June 9, 2014

Re-running NaniScribbles! -Sad people.

OK jeez I know I'm crazy. You can scold me really, I'm not even gonna defend myself. Thing is, I just can't make myself write in my new blog so I'm gonna delete it and continue running this one. I don't know why, it's just not working. Like I don't belong with Tumblr to do what I've been doing here. I do Tumblr, it's just - what the hell I just - why am I even trying to explain? I'm such a mess lately. Yaset's wife had been asking my mum why I'm not writing and trust me I've been asking myself the same question over and over again, like, I used to be obsessively writing about basically everything that pops into my head - I don't know why I can't do it anymore. I don't even believe in writer's block, which makes the entire situation even crazier - there is no such thing as a writer's block, so why am I not writing?

My head hurts.

I just wanna go back to what I'm supposed to do and come back here later and just write. Or maybe I should just really write?

I can't decide.

Anyway, sad people. I've been observing sad people lately. Just observing them, and silently judging them when I feel like it (oh don't you dare tell me how terrible I am - everyone judges!). I find it fascinating that these people who are sad all the time (judging from their tweets and blog posts) always manage to find negativity in every single thing they come across in their life (fatty food, lazy cats, fake friends, clingy partners, embarrassing parents, nerdy officemates), to blame everything else around them for their sadness but not themselves of course LOL, to question other people's happiness - like how you tellin' me you're happy when you so fat betch? (I'm serious!), to look down on everyone else around them for reasons normal people would deem irrational like - eh bodohnya kau, 987675 jenis kopi je pun tak boleh ingat? Seriously, how do you do that, LOL? They tell tweetfamous people, 'Your fame ain't no taking you nowhere betch, if you no pray 5 times a day.' Yeah OK tell me, sad person - how do you know she ain't no prayin' 5 times a day? That's a terrible thing to do! Worse, they'd be whining all the freaking time about how people around them just hate them and are jealous of them for no apparent reason - when technically, sad people, since you only have sadness and negativity to offer the world - who would be jealous of you, LOL? Ever thought of that?

* * *

I just wanna tell everyone who reads this - it's easier to be happy than to be bitter. You can find light and happiness and warmth ANYWHERE without having to look as hard as you have to when you wanna criticize and hate and blame and complain and whine - so really, why?


Have a red panda.

* * *

And also. I think I'm back.

Hi everyone.

Miss me?
