February 26, 2010

Menjadi saksi

kepada satu setengah hari Kejohanan Olahraga MRSM Beseri kali ke-16 (24-25/2/2010) buat Nani rasa blessed. Takkan kedapatan di mana pun excitement yang semacam itu - melihat budak-budak all out dengan segala kudrat untuk menang pingat. Kamu semua yang bukan guru, kalau tak cemburu memang kamu tipu.

Tapi, kamu tak ada di situ masa tu, kan? You don't know what you've missed. Mungkin kamu memang tak cemburu. But that doesn't lessen the amount of tremendous excitement you could have felt only if you were me.

Nani was the DJ for the whole satu setengah hari. Nani kena buat pengumuman, beri peringatan, ulang makluman, panggil pemenang, jemput cikgu-cikgu untuk kalungkan pingat dan macam-macam lagi, sampai suara sudah serak kena kulum Dequadin dengan harapan nanti Isnin suara kembali sedap nak mengajar. Tapi itu small thing saja. Yang besarnya pengalaman Nani dapat - tak terlupakan waktu-waktu Nani sorak budak-budak tarik tali dan balapan. Semua yang Nani tahu nama, Nani panggil sambil cuba men-channel semangat kepada mereka.

Paling tak boleh lupa, masa Peter hampir potong Hafiz Akmal dalam acara 5000 meter. Nani dengan Kak Siti jerit pada Nazirul, 'Tolong Hafiz!!'

Dan bila Nazirul yang sudah sangat penat sambil berlari pun beri semangat pada Hafiz di depan supaya tak terpotong oleh Peter, Nani terfikir - Dear God, terima kasih sebab tak beri position aku ini kepada orang lain. Nani terasa macam mata sudah basah tiba-tiba masa tu, haha.

OK, tak payah cerita panjang - excitement itu takkan sampai kepada sesiapa dengan vocab Nani yang sekecil ini. Tengok gambar sudah. CLICK HERE.

Tiba-tiba Teacher Nani ada satu selfish wish;

Kids, kamu semua jangan grow up, boleh?

February 22, 2010

Sembilan dan satu don't make ten.

Soalan nakal Nani - Hans, you males semua akal ada sembilan bahagian kan? Nafsu satu saja kan?

Jawapan baik Hanzalah – Ya. Kenapa?

Soalan nakal Nani – Apa pasal girls yang ada sembilan nafsu ni tak sexually attack you males?

Jawapan baik Hanzalah – Sebab nafsu kamu girls tu kecik-kecik saja sembilan bahagian. Kamu mahu beg tangan baru, baju baru, kereta baru, tudung Mawi dan Ekin dan lain-lain.

Soalan nakal Nani – Jadinya, based on the statement lelaki itu opposite kepada perempuan, bolehlah Nani assume yang you males semua ada sembilan bahagian akal tapi kecik-kecik, dan satu nafsu besar meanwhile kami females semua nafsu bersembilan yang kecik-kecik dan satu bahagian akal yang besar, kan?

Jawapan baik Hanzalah – Hm. No komen. I tak pasti pulak kecik ke besar akal kami yang sembilan ni.

Sampukan nakal Rayyan – Perempuan boleh multitasking at one time. Lelaki rata-rata tak boleh. Kamu males boleh fokus kepada satu benda saja dalam satu masa. Agaknya betullah akal kamu yang bersembilan tu kecik-kecik, kan? Kalau besar-besar mestilah boleh control yang satu tu.

Jawapan baik Hanzalah – I boleh jaga anak sambil kemas rumahlah.

Sampukan nakal Rayyan – Tapi wife you boleh jaga anak sambil masak, kemas rumah, cuci kain, jemur kain, angkat kain, buat lesson plan, tanda kertas exam, plan schedule lawatan sambil belajar dan makan. Kira akal dia yang satu tu besarlah, boleh fokus kat more than several tasks at one time.

Soalan nakal Nani – Sebab tu kot lelaki tak sesuai jadi surirumah? Kawan I kalau wife dia suruh jaga baby, rumah macam mana tongkang pecah pun dia memang tak kemaskan. ‘Dah you suruh I jaga baby je?’ dia kata.

Sampukan nakal Rayyan – Husband I sebijik macam yang you cerita.

Respond nakal Nani – I cakap pasal suami you lah.

Hanzalah - *diam*

Nani - *diam*

Rayyan - *smiles*

Hanzalah – You girls memang teruk. Rayyan, I don’t believe you. Was this planned? Nak kenakan I pasal jaga baby last week?

Rayyan – Aik? Terkena ke?

Nani - *signs out*

February 21, 2010

It is a lie.

found out
that sometimes
girls do all
the things they did for
their BFs for a very
wrong reason.

It wasn't so much of
because they love the BFs.

It was more of
because the BFs don't feel
the same way about them.

That's not even close to
what 'berkorban apa saja' really means.

Stop the nonsense.
You girls are embarrassing me.

p/s: Did you guys find it?

February 19, 2010


is now one of the book characters I love best. I’ve loved Harry, Max, Bartimaeus for so long and no other character I’d came across after them was strong enough to impress I’d forgotten how it feels like to begin to like someone you wish is real. And I didn’t just wish for Bartimaeus to be real. I wanted to own him if he is. Yeah. I wanted to own him. I still want to.

I’ve done Matilda. Took me almost 3 hours to finish it. I had a little trouble digesting how adorable Matilda Wormwood is. I had more trouble relating to her parents who are unlike any kind I've ever known or heard of. I was struggling to not wet my eyes everytime she does something that would have made her parents proud if they happen to be sane. I thought I was lucky to have read about her, to have liked her. Dia budak yang sangat mudah untuk saya relate with.

And I wish I had someone like her to grow up with. : )

Where did you pick up the accent?


was priceless.

February 18, 2010

Still the Math atheist. Only way honest (than before).


That's what I just said.

Hi people.

You can say bye to Ginny, now (jeez, did my heart just broke or what?)

Anyway, I'll be here from now on.

I believe I've stamped on the name Max J. Potter an image which isn't so nice to be remembered. So I'm leaving the name - even though I like it so much, and the blog with which the name gained the reputation it has now. Some days ago, I tried to look at Ginny as one of the readers - an outsider, a non-regular visitor, and I think she is a hideous, rude, selfish, controversial (sort of) and highly offensive blog, at times. And I don't like that. I don't like what I had done with Ginny, when I was Max J. Potter. I don't like me as Max J. Potter, anymore, too.

In her early years, Ginny was pure (and if you think this is an overstatement, get lost). She was a blog no one cared to visit twice, and I was OK with that. And I miss the old her (call me emotional if you want. You're just a reader). She was just a place for me to say things without directing my vocabulary towards anyone in particular. Just a compilation of random, harmless (yeah, I didn't misspell that) thoughts. She was that pretty.

Then I began making blogger-friends. Some of them began to return to Ginny, so Max J. sort of forgot her purpose of writing, of blogging. I couldn't even place my finger on the day when I began to write for others, an audience (which was growing in number) - and before I even realize it, I had already become someone else.

I was no longer writing for myself. And that, was the ugliest thing I had ever committed myself to doing. I hate the fact that I was doing just that. I just wanna put a stop to it. I want to start to be honest with my writing. Full-blastingly.

I could ramble longer. But I don't think all this explanation is worth reading (this is just the first post, for God's sake!) - and I need to get ready for school, tomorrow.

So here I am.

And here ends the very first post for NaniScribbles!, my new online buku conteng.

I'll see you guys later, yes?