July 18, 2010

"Watch The Arrivals for better understanding." Yeah, right.

After much persuasion from some friends and non-friends, I decided that I should try to watch some episodes of the steaming hot documentary called The Arrivals. Some of my friends are downright obsessed about the whole series, and some non-friends have been telling me how blinded I am as a Muslim based of the proof (yeah, right) they found in the episodes.

I think I went through three or four episodes and realized that rather than getting all excited like most people out there, I felt disgusted. To myself I asked aloud, 'This (with a frown) was ALL the freaking fuss about?' There weren't proofs or facts, just baseless accusations and coincidences. Speculations and unproved claims. And I don't think I'd want to proceed with all 40+ episodes with the contents being just that.

I sometimes enjoy reading speculations and controversies, but one so bland as The Arrivals just don't work for me. Everywhere in the three or four episodes that I have watched, fingers are pointed to some specific groups of people for no solid reasons but coincidences. One of the major questions was, 'Are all of these signs coincidences?' I was thinking, 'Why can't they be coincidences?'

I mean come on, where's the proof that the Disney's animated movies are made to draw us Muslims away from our paths? What's the proof that the tower you claimed to be drawn in the shape of a penis in The Little Mermaid's poster was put there to slowly nurture the brains of the young ones so that they'd embrace sex easily as they grow up? How many of you have already seen the penis before The Arrivals came out? Is Mickey Mouse really designed from the shape of a dick (I had to really focus on the picture when my guy friend was showing how dicky Mickey looks – and it wasn't even dick-like enough)? You really have to picture penises a lot in your brains to be able to see almost everything as sex-related objects. What does that say about them finders of the signs? And I can't hear Aladdin telling girls to undress no matter how many times I tried to listen. Seriously.

Really, they're claiming this and that, and pointing fingers here and there – but I don't see many people from the so-called team lead by the Hidden Hand coming into the defense of their community. I don't think they'd give a shit. Why waste time word-jousting on Youtube when they can spend the hours wiping out Palestinians? Modern Muslims believe whatever they want – Youtube is the new kiblah, it seems. Say, if Freemason is a secret organization, how could you have found out all those things you claimed to be facts about them? How would you even know it exists (if everyone knows about it already, it's not a secret anymore, is it)? What if Freemason isn't a secret organization, but an organization of secrets? How many of you have actually thought about things before claiming stuff?

One of the major claims was, 'The End of the World is speeding towards us faster than we think it is'. My obsessive friends and non-friends have been posting Youtube links of the episodes that 'prove' the claims, flooding my news feed like I don't know what – so I've blocked all of them crazy claimers. If you have so much time pointing fingers and believing some pathetically made slide shows of an unclear purpose, why don't you spend more time finding out what the kitab says about the signs? I'd say it's a bloody waste of time going through all the episodes – I'd rather spend my hours with the usrah team at school, learning from the truly learned – not some Youtube videos.

And I'd like to know if any one of you have ever thought of this; sticking your noses into Allah's business is not a noble thing to do – and The End of the World IS His business, right? So instead of cluelessly (don’t freaking tell me you DO have a clue when the world would end!) digging for the date of the Apocalypse, which equals to whatever time-wasting activity you could think of, shouldn't we use the time to improve our faith and ibadah? What's this behavior of suka menyibuk hendak tahu rahsia Allah? Buruk sungguh perangai.

I bet many of you haven't even tried to look at The Arrivals from this angle; what if the whole series was made by the Hidden Hand's team itself to cloud our views from the real signs as stated in the kitab? How many of us have found anything in the series that is in line with what we're taught? (Thanks to Kak Darling for the trigger.) How many of us really know the real religions of the producers? Some of my friends and non-friends ada yang sudah lupa tanda-tanda kiamat kecil dan besar sebab mabuk tengok The Arrivals. Meroyan tengok tanda-tanda yang manusia produce, habis lupa apa yang ustaz dan ustazah ajar di sekolah.

So I don't watch The Arrivals except for the three or four episodes that I've mentioned. I don't even remember which episodes they were. I don't think it's so much of a big deal that I have to tolerate the insane floods of Youtube links on my FB news feed.

I have better things to do.

17 scribbleback (s):

Farahanani Amhazali said...

Sis, at least u made it to several episodes.. while me stop after 1 epi.. haha..

I failed to understand this mysterious awakening project.
Compilation of several images and pics and stating conspiracy theory..?? Doesnt wake me up..

May be I'm too slow?

Better we learn Islam through other medium/sources.. Yeah.. Usrah is one of the best..

Anonymous said...

agreeing with farah hanani.

they're really are bunches of videos and pictures compiled together, and highlighting the unnecessary stuff, when one should be performing the prayers, the ones that really connect the hamba with the Al-Mighty.

better dengar stories pasal seksaan kubur and dalam neraka. that should wake us up!

Bayang said...

actually, i have a confession to make. i managed to see the whole series of The Arrivals and i still couldn't see anything that could satisfy my needs. i mean, they just point out IDEAS, not FACTS. somehow i think these people just want to make people freak out and become their fans or some kind. they're just like the leaders of ajaran sesat, just that they use different materials and different mediums. it's a cult because as far as i know, a lot of people have been watching it and they keep telling the same story all over again. then when you ask them for proof or deny them, they will start to get mad or freak out and call the unbelievers as apostate or ignorant.

Sonnet said...

hmm....long tak pernah tengok The Arrivals tu tapi bila baca post nani ni, i think that cerita ni nak rosakkan pemikiran orang Islam yang dah ramai rosak sebab cerita2 or benda2 lain.

nnt long try tgk, sikit pun dah jadi

anak pak man said...

What a coincidence.. I just watched a few episodes myself yesterday.. They made me smile..

At least the videos remind us that putting the al-Quran and al-Hadith 3rd or 4th in our list of reference priorities will lead to a lot of stupidity..


The Tea Drinker said...

they kinda of remind me of some people i know. fascinated with theories of the end of days and dajjal and stuffs...

but i don't think he prays.

so for them, it's probably just another story to tell n talk about over a cup of pulled tea.

inna hayati said...

holla nani :)
Tak pernah nonton doc ini.
Better not.Merosakkan akidah mungkin.

Tengok sikit je, curios nak tahu apa isinya. Kesimpulan...betullah, tak payah tengok.

*selalu datang blog nani...cuma tak sempat komen. :(

the Constantly Dramatic One said...

"The Arrivals"?

What the hell? How come I never heard of this? I am so out of it.

H. Iman said...

Hye , Max J potter! sorry to call you by this name, i just loved it:P

it was so nice of you to dropping by my blog and say hi.
i mean i am just a silent reader, and always being inferior at your vocabs and uber terminology huhu.:P

and the arrival stuff, it just a documentary anyway.but i've watched the whole series, i think these bunch of people who made it, trying to prove something,the deceptions and all of psychological methods to make Muslims astray and those Kafir with their mischievous plans to destroy Islam.
That's some part of it, but still I don't get it with the "power and energy" stuffs have anything to do with the design of building bla bla bla..ok boring..

H. Iman said...

Hye , Max J potter! sorry to call you by this name, i just loved it:P

it was so nice of you to dropping by my blog and say hi.
i mean i am just a silent reader, and always being inferior at your vocabs and uber terminology huhu.:P

and the arrival stuff, it just a documentary anyway.but i've watched the whole series, i think these bunch of people who made it, trying to prove something,the deceptions and all of psychological methods to make Muslims astray and those Kafir with their mischievous plans to destroy Islam.
That's some part of it, but still I don't get it with the "power and energy" stuffs have anything to do with the design of building bla bla bla..ok boring..

wej said...

u write well =)

Apple iPad Tablet (64GB, Wifi)
Of Eagles Blog


Luna said...

Ok, actually I only read a few lines of the post. And the documentary sort of arouse more suspicion..

err.. and i didnt watch the 'documentary'. Someone I knew told me bout it, and i went like 'huh? 0_o

Anonymous said...

farah - we have weekly usrah at my skool. so i always tumpang sekaki lah. get to give my own tazkirah too sometimes. well, i'm no expert. i try. =)

j. love - that's what one of my frens said, too. why aren't we doing? and why are we watching while we're not doing? ah well. yeah, seksa kubur and cerita neraka wakes me up all the time.

aamir - omaigod. they call us non-believers now? that's a nice way to put it. i mean, if it's SO BIG OF A DEAL, prove it-la. i bukan nk deny apa. i cuma malas nk accept proofless claims yg mcm gini. ish.

Anonymous said...

long - haha. tu lagi satu sudut pandangan yang boleh kemasukan akal. kita dah ada rujukan2 power segala kitab, hadis, ustaz dan ustazah..apa sebenarnya erti kita menengok perkara tidak berbukti sebegini siap obses lagi. annoying ah.

anak pak man - couldn't have said it better myself. XD

the tea drinker - i think it's more than a story to tell. they wouldn't have flooded everyone's fb news feed. XD

kak inna - tak fun pon. tak enlightening pon. tak eye-opening pon. takde sebarang realization pon. i've read all dan brown's books - cheh, spekulasi lebih kurang je. so diorg yg buat the arrivals ni mungkin rujuk buku yg ditulis org2 non-muslim je pun.

Anonymous said...

tcdo - you didn't miss anything. haha.

halawatul iman - omg dont be! i dont really get it when people say they feel inferior of my vocab - do they even know how much im feeling inferior with pathetic vocab size? nvm-lah. i dont get the arrivals. i know that the kafirs would do things to pull us away from the path, but pleaselah, gimme proof. that's all. haha, ok boring. XD

wej - thanks. come again. =)

luna - i went 'huh' the first time i viewed one of the eps. haha.

nani said...

omg thank goodness someone i look up to actually agrees with me. i was feeling worried for myself because i think it's kinda crap. well, crappy-ish. and i felt worried that it might be wrong for me to want to ignore the series. i felt like, "ey aku ni btul ke brprasaan mcm ni? x dosa ke ckp mcm tu?" or something along the lines, y'know? just a bit worried. just a little.

srsly i only watched bits of only one of the episodes and already i'm going "ehhhhh!?!?" the episode i watched was abt the lady in red and madonna? i was like, "rly now?" how could madonna somehow cause britney's downfall and christina's uprise with a gay kiss? what-WHUT?? mcm mengarut pn ada. but the two other friends who asked me to watch was kinda srs and they know more religiously than i do so i just kinda kept it to myself. takut kna reprimand la pulak kn?

then they went on and on abt the freemason logos on AJL and somewhere or other. and the KLCC somehow being the gate of the dajjal or something and it just got too much so i just got up, moved away from the latop and spoke none of it since.

even better, some of these ppl are so obsessed with these vids that, they think it somehow makes up for the fact that they don't solat? srsly. ey, ko ingt tgk bnda tu means ko seorg muslimin yg mulia ke? skarang bkn waktu zohor? cet.

i dunno. i never want to know abt these things. i always say to myself, "i xnk tahu. biar bnda yg nk jadik, jadik because i can change nothing. it's God's will."

thanks for the reassurance.

Anonymous said...

nani - i can totally tolerate speculations. i really can. but the arrivals just pushed all my wrong buttons..lagi2 it's regarding my own religion. ah well, i believe in behaving ourselves and tak payah menggatal nk buruk perangai korek rahsia Allah. biadab gila.

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