November 3, 2010

Laporan Khas: Banjir di rumah Cik Nani II.

Semasa Cik Nani sibuk prepare nak masak sebentar tadi, bekalan elektrik telah muncul secara tiba-tiba. Yeah, I'd been off the 'net for more than 24-hours, which amazed me. Haha. It was such a nuisance, being electricity-less. I couldn't read at night, (Aku dah kata guru bukan lilin. Ada lagi munyit-munyit yang tak percaya)! Anyway, here are the updates.

Sebenarnya dalam setengah jam selepas entry sebelum ini menjejak langkah ke internet, bekalan elektrik telah terputus ekoran sebuah backhoe somewhere yang telah membuat lintas langsung secara gelojoh sampai mencederakan salah satu kabel bekalan utama negeri ini (mengikut sumber yang mesti dipercayai).

Tidak berapa lama kemudian, paras air pula semakin naik secara menakutkan. Sumber misteri tersebut juga telah meng-confirm-kan bahawa banjir kali ini lebih besar daripada banjir legenda tahun 2005. Maka Cik Nani telah mengalami sengsara jiwa secara dahsyat kerana terpaksa berlilin keseorangan sepanjang malam dalam ketakutan (kot-kot air naik sampai ke dalam rumah). Oh, the horror! Tiba-tiba bateri mobile phone beliau turut kekeringan tenaga. Lalu bermulalah 30 jam pertama dalam hidup Cik Nani tanpa elektrik. You don't wanna hear about it. I swear.

Berita-berita dan update-update ngeri diterima dari seluruh negeri melalui mobile phone. Antara yang terawal:

1) 'Nani, you tau dak, kat Kangar dah separas pinggang! I takut lintah!'
2) 'Teacher, how? Rumah you masuk air tak? Rumah I dah sekaki. OMG.'
3) 'Babe, kat Arau dah takat dada ni. I dah gaya bebas. You?'
4) 'Nani, I rasa esok you tak boleh pegi sekolah lagi ni. Semua jalan ke Beseri dah tutup.'
5) 'Nani, hari ni saje dah sebelas sekolah tutup.'

Cik Nani pun mestilah takmau kalah. Takkanlah mereka ini saja boleh buat drama swasta dalam SMS, kan? So, I pun hantarlah reply-reply ngeri tak tercapai akal mereka semua sementara bateri mobile phone I masih bersisa nyawa. Semua reply di bawah mengikut turutan SMS yang diterima di atas ya tuan-tuan dan puan-puan.

1) 'Jalan Kaki Bukit dah paras peha ni. Backhoe lalu pun tersedak, you tau?'
2) 'Rumah Teacher tinggi. Air tak masuk la lagi. Tapi kalau keluar pagar je dah boleh swimming.'
3) 'I gaya sakit jiwa sebab tak boleh Facebook.'
4) 'OMG. Students I nak SPM!!'
5) 'Wow. Harap-harap air cepat surut. Ramai cacing dah tersadai mati kering kat porch kereta I ni.'

Baik. Floods are not fun. I repeat, not fun. Read on, PLEASE: My cats couldn't go out to play. They were spooked at the size of the pool around the house and spent the rest of the day inside being moody (you could have seen Bob! and Bubu being moody. I could have died [laughing]). Earthworms the size of Optimus Prime were trying to conquer my car porch. God I almost lost it! Rubbish from the other side of the world being swept into my lawn. Buah kelapa tua melintas jalan beramai-ramai, which was such a disturbing sight. Selipar buruk dan baru, baldi pecah, periuk hangit, kotak peti ais Panasonic bapak besar, papan tanda oren: AWAS Kawasan Banjir Di Hadapan (it was so ironic I had to laugh), dan Pampers terpakai pun turut hanyut melintas jalan. Gangguan jiwa you know, watching all that! Lagi, kambing-kambing dicampak naik ke atas bumbung rumah, by the people who live at the lower grounds. I don't like goats at the best of times. But seeing how them kids threw them up the roofs, I could almost feel sorry for them. Gila menangis semua kambing terbabit. Kesian. And then leeches the size of Megatron were swimming right outside my front gate like they f*cking OWN the pool. God, it was one of the most disgusting things I had ever seen. Worst, since I have this insane dislike towards them legless creatures. And more rubbish. Lots and lots of rubbish. Man. It was crazy.

Seriously. I don't like floods. Enough said.

As this is being typed, air sudah surut agak-agak setengah kaki. But for us stranded souls, that's more than good news already. I hope things will get better, soon! Now, pictures.

* * *

This is my first flood experience. I don't fancy it. I pray for it to never happen again. Maak kata, 'Ini baru Allah bagi air, Nani. Belum lagi Allah bagi api.' Dalam hati Cik Nani, beliau thankful sangat-sangat.

Now, how are you people?

14 scribbleback (s):

♛ LORD ZARA 札拉 ♛ said...

Luckily my place still selamat.
I mean, Johor masih takde lagi.
tak nak kena cam dulu~
seminggu takde air~
seminggu putus hubungan dengan dunia luar~

Anonymous said...

zara - omg i tak sanggup nak imagine. ni seharian takde letrik pun i dah nak histeria! i hope kita semua selamat.

Luke Skywalker said...

Indahnya ^_^

Aisya S. said...

I was in Perlis yesterday and Kedah for the last two days, so I got the chance to experience it too. Scary gila babas lah. We were traveling by car, it felt a bit like riding a boat in the middle of the sea. At times, one side of the road punya paras air macam lebih tinggi semeter daripada our side of the road, with only bushes separating both sides, memang nampak macam tak make sense langsung. Dunno if you can imagine what I'm trying to picture, but it was surreal gila.

We were stranded in Jitra for a few hours. The car we were riding da la agak rendah, so we got stuck several times. Agak scary. Kesian tengok ayam-ayam huddled together on top of bushes with no where left to go.

We actually went to Kedah for the UUM convocation, which in the end was postponed all the way to next year, so sedih gila kitorg yang traveled all that way for nothing... UUM didn't really help either. Dah tau negeri2 utara this time of the year suffers from monsoon season, next time tukar la tarikh tu! Ugh.

Hope you're safe there, Nani. How come you guys tak perlu pindah lagi?

anak pak man said...

Erk.. really not fun, apparently..

Huhu, seriously feel sorry, but your Maak's ayat is so true.


Be strong teacher!

♥ Teacher Nonoi ♥ said...

Oh, tengok gambar pon dah rasa betapa tak seronoknya banjir..

Semoga keadaan semakin baik le nanti.. aminnn

Bayang said...

pergh tak sempat la aamir nak merasa memandangkan still dok kat utp dok tunggu exam. member ada cakap lagi teruk dari dulu. taktau la tapi nampak gaya teruk sungguh sampai ada orang kata sekolah derma macam nak tenggelam. even tok dengan wan aamir pon kena pindah dah. pergh ngeri gila. tapi macam 5 taun dulu dalam 4 hari ja benda ni. hopefully takdak la sampai seminggu kalau tak memang tak jadi plan nak balik kampung hujung minggu ni.

Farahanani Amhazali said...

takut.. sbb x pernah experience any flood before this.

Sometimes I wonder if our home ever get flooded (coz we're next to Sungai Gombak tapi kat atas higher tebing).

Tapi Abah said:

"Kalau Kampung Puah ni banjir meaning seluruh KL tenggelam."

Huhu.. Okay.. Lega sikit.

Bertahan sis.. Sangat penyabar org yg kena benjir. Respect betul.. !

Farahanani Amhazali said...

huahua.. typo..

Banjir jadi Benjir.

nana othman said...

god, sangat dahsyat. bagi la dy surut cepat XD, fina xmau balik rumah penuh cacing! mesti mati akibat geli!!

serius ada org berenang dalam gambar itu!!

and paling best, moto perasan terapung! hehe

Anonymous said...

luke - tapi bencana.

aisya - tanah sebeah sana tu rendah sikit, sbb tu bila ada bush boleh nampak macam tu. =) hehe. surreal indeed. mmg kesian time banjir ni. tgk kucing lg tak sampai hati. sejuk smpai tidur bulat-bulat. kesian tgk.

heard about UUM, and i'd be pissed too if i were you. kami tak kena pindah lagi sbb rumah kami tinggi. air naik jadi lake around the house je..tapi tak masuk rumah. =)

so far we're safe here. XD

Anonymous said...

anak pak man - i told you didn't i? hehe. will be strong. worry not!

noi - nani pun doa mcm tu. =)

aamir - banjir kali ni mmg lagi teruk dr thaun 2005. semua aktiviti di kangar lumpuh terus. tak buleh buat apa. ayaq pun paras dada.

farah hanani - mmg kena sabar ni. =) kena tabah. oh you dont wanna wish for it to happen. just pray for us over here. thanks.

adinda - hue hue. semoga dia surut cepat. kanda pun tak larat tgk cacing. oh geli. XD

murni kamal said...

OMG this entry is so so funny..the way u described the kelapa tua melintas jalan was so lawak!

Anonymous said...

hehe. i call that honesty. XD

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