January 3, 2011


1) Buat poster iklankan EC kita ni dulu, Long. Bookaholics Anonymous; exploring magical pages with Teacher Nani/Teacher Aimi (contoh je ni, nak poyo lagi pun boleh). Buh number 1 - 20/25, ikut kemampuan Long nak handle lah. Then lekatkan kat noticeboard. Sape nak join sila tulis nama kat situ. Tak pun bukak kaunter pendaftaran masa hari pendaftaran EC (kalau Kota Putra ade hari pendaftaran EC la).

2) Aktiviti-aktiviti:
a. Membaca seminggu sekali kat Reading Room - (kalau ade) pada hari yang diperuntukkan khas untuk EC. Ingat, English materials only. Kalau bahan bacaan tak cukup, ajak unit kumpul duit pergi beli. Mintak donation bahan-bahan bacaan daripada semua cikgu dan staff. Buat je apa-apa yang patut!

b. Tulis reflective journal in ENGLISH. Satu entry untuk satu buku/article/cerita etc. yang dihabiskan. Galakkan student cantikkan journal. Cover lawa-lawa, entry lawa-lawa, kaler-kaler, lekat-lekat gambar. Sebagai motivation kepada student, kita sebagai penyelaras pun mesti ada satu untuk show off kat budak.

c. Kemas Reading Room every time habis session. Wajib.

d. Kalau Reading Room huduh, hiaskan cantik-cantik. Wajib.

e. OK, ni yang paling BEST ni. Plan a trip (or more) to bookstore yang best-best dan besar-besar macam Borders (dengar cerita Borders habis tutup kat US sebab recession, sedih gila), Popular, MPH dan Kinokuniya (kalau Pengetua bagi la). Kirenye students mestilah mengumpul wang untuk trip ni. Kalau ade kedai buku second-hand lagi bagus! Sesuailah dengan budak-budak yang baru nak mengumpul buku.

f. Kumpul duit untuk print sijil berwarna-warni. Maktab confirm taknak buang duit bagi sijil kaler-kaler ni. Kita lah yang kena buat. Tapi ni optional la. Long taknak takpe. Nani nak. Haha.

3. Untuk pesta EC, jom ajak budak-budak buat bookmarks untuk dijual. Ha, ape macam?

Cadangan lain? Masuk kotak komen.

16 scribbleback (s):

Mr. Gargus said...

when do you plan on blogging in English again?

Anonymous said...

jacob - omg. sorry!! soon, OK? soon.

Mr. Gargus said...

Haha thanks! :)

Sonnet said...

wow!!! sekali lagi....WOW!!

nk tau satu cerita best x??

long ada bgtau benda ni kat students (just opinion la) budak2 yg bookaholic mmg nak dan terus semangat!

tapi kat cikgu2 tak bagitau lagi. cikgu2 kat sini sikit je yg supportive bab2 membaca. ada yg mungkin kata "kan dah ada projek nilam?"

i haven't got time to see the penyutua...sebab dia asyik busy dgn meetings. tp i'm looking forward untuk jumpa TP KO.

doakan supaya projek mulia kita ni menjadi kat KOPU! >.<

Ayaq said...

For each book they have read, they must write their opinions on selected events yang ditimbulkan? Err macam, dalam To Kill A Mockingbird, just ask lah maybe, "what do you think of the racial injustice theme throughout this novel?" Camtu ke.

Doing critical analysis of a book that I've read adalah part yang paling menyampah sekali (I think I've done it once during high school). But now, looking back, I think it's good. It develops your critical thinking skills. No?

Mr. Gargus said...

Okay, now I'm confused. Why are you guys going back and forth between English and Malay?

cafiena said...

because we can mr Gargus =DD

oh i like the critical analysis. like having a book group. and for that, need a good moderator, since bookworm can be very opinionated (is there such word?).

during my school day, we don't have reading room,(we do, but it is small, and not well furnished) we do have library, but heck, that is where people date, not reading *sigh*. and we have book in the basket, and those journal.

the basket should be exchange every Wednesday, and focal point must ensure all the book are return. all the book comes from donation, and some from PTA money, but i think most of them come from English teacher, (they bought the whole collection of princess diaries and princess by jean p sasson). since they have a very wide collection, mild to heavy reading, classic teenage rage to horror adventure, so everyone seems to be interested, and i love when everyone is reading.

anak pak man said...

Yes, Mr Gargus, because we can.. :)

teacher, I think a session of just talking about a book would be great. Like for my Book Club, we just sat together in the cafe and talked about our favourite or least favourite things/issues in the book.

Each person gets their turn to express why they like a certain issue of scene, and the conversations can go from there.

Oh, how I miss these sessions..

Sonnet said...

mr Gargus, because we can :)))

that's all i want to say :P

Ayaq said...


Because we bloody well can. ;)

I wanna say that too. Haha.

Mr. Gargus said...

*scoffs* but I get all confuzzled. and I feel left out. :(

lol :D

Ayaq said...

I haven't heard the word confuzzled in the longest time! :D (is blatantly ignoring your left-out feeling heh heh)

Well, I speak Manglish mostly because, sometimes, it is much easier AND the emotion it conveys is much more...er, intense. Especially in the Malay part. ;)

Mr. Gargus said...

Thanks Ayaq. I appreciate your sensitivity. :D

I may have to learn Malay.....who wants to teach me?

Anonymous said...

I think Ayaq could. Ayaq, kamu ajarlah mr gargus ni cakap melayu!

Ayaq said...

Lesson for today.

Saya = I
Awak = you

Ok, class dismissed.

(We pronounce the way it is spelled, ok?)

Anonymous said...

that's a good start.

although you missed the fact that in english there are more sounds to the letter 'A', tak macam BM, satu tu je bunyinye. XD

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