This is where I publish my self-centered ramblings so basically every post is mine. You read at your own risks of getting insulted, heartbroken or even falling in love with me. They are my intellectual property even when they do not at all sound intellectual, so I would appreciate your NOT using them without asking. Thanks. And oh, none of the pictures are mine, unless stated. Basically that's that.
6 scribbleback (s):
ohmai. double meaning!
agree. O Allah please save our soul T__T
haha. guys do that a lot. saying one thing that means another. i'm just copying.
heh. from what? =)
that could be the other way around too, Miss.
in my case;
I believed (so) I've broken. :[
bleh~~ org macam ni baik jgn hidup~ tambah dosa saja bohong2 ni. and like Qiez Medusa said, it could be the other way round too. So siapa2 yang memang tak reti nak bercakap benar ni, don't be in a relationship.
yeah it can be the other way round too. hope you're recovering well. =)
haha. ya betul itu. kalau hidup kerja nk menipu ja baik tak payah.
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