March 28, 2010

Ash nazg.

Told him I was re-reading The Fellowship of the Ring. He said, ‘Grow up, LOL.’

I haven’t met any kid who reads the Lord of the Rings before, though. So ah, which part of reading the trilogy is childish, actually? I didn’t ask him that, though. Malas. And let’s say reading LOTR is really childish, I still don’t want to grow up anyway. I don’t want to grow out of the fondness of it, at least. What makes you think telling someone to grow up isn’t a childish thing to do?

I believe he hasn’t read even one page from the whole trilogy. Wouldn’t have thought it was childish to read it in the first place if he has. Macam baca buku teks Sejarah, tahu? Adik engkau umur 3 tahun sudah baca buku teks Sejarah ya?

I like everything LOTR. Every single thing. And it pisses me off to be told that I should grow up when you’re the one who is speeding backwards. Pft.

And I think you should grow up, first; out of the mindset that epic-lovers are childish and lawyers who can’t differentiate between arak and sparkling jus epal are not, for a start. At least I know they don't even look the same.

OK. Teacher Nani emo. Balik blog masing-masing sekarang.

15 scribbleback (s):

AK said...

hahaha... ayat last tak ble bla...
ade ke suh balik blog memasing skrg...
yerp, u r true...
masa dulu, kecik2... mana de rasa nak baca buku2 gitu...
mybe my english at that time tak mcm skrg... at least now, its better...
at least, baca... childish pon lantak la.. kita yang baca...
in fact, first wahyu pon suruh kita membaca kan... =p

inna hayati said...

k.ina rasa, masa kecik2 dulu, kalau buka LOTR memang takkan faham punya.
serius buku itu mencabar minda juga.perkataan dia pelik2.
tapi sebab LOTR lah, akak jadi minat mbaca english.
rasa puas dapat habiskan.
kesian 'him' tu :D

Pill Pusher said...

Try Lord of the congkak... I heard it's even better.

Nana Othman said...

fina dah nak masuk 22 ni, tak mula baca pun lagi lotr. haha.

adakah dy tiada kerja lalu menyibuk di sana sini? suka hati org la nak baca apa pun~

Sir Pök Déng said...


Lord of the Congkak?

So LOTR's English is weird? Gila lah ai baca buku tu... asyik bukak kamus je.

President (wiir2000) said...

mcm tau ja sapa 'him' tu..

Adry said...

Salam ziarah... ingat saya lagi tak?? hehehe... rupanya dah tukar dot com rupanya...

anyway... tak berapa minat LOTR... more to harry porter i guess

Adry @

Anonymous said...

kamal - hehe. nampaknye mmg takleh blah. XD aha, masa kecik2 kak nani suka pinocchio and the likes. and uhuh, wpun jauh perkaitannye, boleh pakai la point wahyu kamu tu.

kak inna - masa nani sekolah, lotr tu antara buku termudah utk nani faham. nani tak bukak kamus wpun sekali, dibandingkan dgn harry potter, nani kena jugak bukak kamus. so nani tak berapa fhm org yg kata lotr tu susah nk faham. perkataan pelik tu pun ada translation di kat index..jadi bukan masalah sebenarnya. but i guess to some people, lengthy dialogues and detailed narration are pretty hard to comprehend, kot. =) aha. nani tak kesian pun kat him.

tranquility - i tried it. too sappy. XD

Anonymous said...

adinda - dia suka menyibukkan diri dgn perkara2 yang dia rasa perlu; contohnya bahan bacaan kegemaran org lain yang tak mampu dibeli olehnya. ya. teacher nani sedang sombong. sila buat tak nampak.

pok deng - lotr english is not weird even one bit. you won't go mad. =)

president - ahaha. you don't. i'll share when i can. =)

adry - ye. nani dah pindah. hehe. oh. ok. it's harry poTTer anyway.

Adry said...

hahahaha... so stupid of me... tak perasan pun salah taip... hahahaha

Nurdyana said...

LOTR is for children? that's a first.

love everything LOTR too!~

Anonymous said...

adry - that's not stupid. that's typo. everyone does that. =)

nurdyana - that was a first for me, too. yeah? awesome!

Pepper said...

LOTR...the first time I read the trilogy, during study week, and I finish reading it all in one week time...yes, LOTR much more important...ahem, interesting than final exam, lol. And it's the first book that I read where the appendices is as important as the other chapters are. Org yg cakap LOTR childish obviously tak tau what the epic is all about. Org tu lagi teruk dari Gollum kot :P

Pepper said...

Anyway, It's me, Pepper

Anonymous said...

pepper - yeah obviously he doesn't. sumpah annoying ah. and yeah i agree, appendices die mmg lagi penting because it's not written as a story. more like a textbook. XD

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