March 16, 2010

Sumpah annoying.

This is THE MOST ANNOYING SONG I've ever heard! What the heck is Kawaii no Kawaii?? Who taught the lyricist Nihongo? And what's with the oh-so-annoying pronunciation!?

Schoumeylnya hensetku ini! Tapi ku da ta tahan lllagi! Asyik na bedewring-dewring! Oh God.

The L pronunciation in the word 'lagi' sounds like she has a tongue way bigger than her mouth could hold. The word 'henset' (she pronounced it as haeset) sent goosebumps up my spine (it's THAT annoying!). The R sound she profusely induced with the W sound to send out the 'Aku Melayu bersebutan orang putih walaupun aku bawak imej Jepun-konon', ew! - did you guys read the newspaper a few days back? She claimed to be styling herself Horojuku-ly when the fact is Horojuku freaking DOES NOT exist and it's Harajuku-lah smart-ass!

Anime fans, kalau kamu perasan - the kawaii no kawaii *muntah* part sounded just like the first line from Ichigo Mashimaro's opening. And the dawri pagi hingga petang and dawri petang hingga malllam *muntah lagi* lines in the 1st and 2nd verses sounded exactly like the first line in Haruhi Suzumiya's ending. Copycat! Benci!


Entah apa-apa!

Cuba my readers pulak try (redundant lagi). Manalah tau, kot-kot bagi kamu tak annoying. Pfft.

36 scribbleback (s):

Ayaq said...

Sapa pulak budak ni? Sanggup dengar 10 saat pertama je. Hu...

Anonymous said...

entah. tanya kawan die kata budak ni dulu femes. XD tatau lagu apa!

afiq dharma said...

nee-chan, saye nak minta izin mengamuk sekejap

WTF betol la minah ni
skali dengar bley taw die tiru ichigo mashimaro and haruhi
as a musician that supports Japanese songs,
i am greatly offended.
rly i am.
this will give horrible impressions to those who are not familiar with this culture.

so macam mane my band nak survive nanti???

Anonymous said...

saru - ha, mengamuk le. nee-chan pun mcm hampeh je dgr lagu ni. XD i hope your band survives dgn bestnye~!! you have my support!

anak pak man said...

kawaii no kawaii..

the only part i agree with is the "no"..


Anonymous said...

anak pak man - haha. NO NO!!

Ms. Nuur said...

yuhuuuu! hey it's been a while huh? I like it here, though u r most blunt than ever? Ke, x? Dunno ;p I just read the first few entries, guess Nani tumbuh lagi banyak fangs woohoooo

Lisa said...

dia dulu bintang kecil or something.

i don't like her. hahaha. geli2.

Aisya S. said...

Ewww... What's with the affected cutesy voice? And that picture of her... Is she... taking a picture of herself? With a lollipop? Annoyingnya.

Anonymous said...

uh. meremang bulu tengkuk~ pehal rasa macam tgk pontianak?

Luna K

ps: malas log in

fadhillahbakren said...

i thought she's an actress.Pelakon kanak2.adela gak pernah tgk drama dia berlakon.not bad.but suddenly becomes a singer.wth dgn dunia sekarang entah.dah famous berlakon,nak menyanyi pulak.

whatever lah!

Nana Othman said...

tak nampak sebab utk jadi peminat.

suara? X
lagu? X
lirik? X [nak muntah ok]
pronunciation, bukan la bahasa inggeris pun. tak mampu nak sebut elok2. saya faham, dia sengaja mengembangkan lidah supaya bunyinya comel tp tak berjaya malah mengundang kemenyampahan tahap hina. A big X to this girl.

avid said...

bajet cute. a mediocre piece of thrash.

Aisya S. said...

Haha, Nani, I love the comments your readers here make as much as I love your own posts! Awesome tahap dewi! It's nice to see like-minded people

Caramel Foxx said...

got a headache after watching it, and u know kak nani, what makes it even worst, ya allah, the line kawaii no kawaii stucks in my mind~ and went to class i kept on laughing and can't help it~

ffincher said...

oh this one read oredi ystday. nama macam pondan. questionable libido.

Anonymous said...

aqmaal - haha. tumbuh lagi byk fangs? two pun dah cukup, aqmaal. tak larat nk gigit. haha. glad you like it here. =) do come again. will go visit you ASAP.

liz - skrg die bintang besar ke? how big, then? XD haha.

aisya - yeah it does sound affected! XD lol. and yeah i think that was her, taking a picture of herself. strange how some girls think lollipop does things to their pictures.

Anonymous said...

Q - seramkah beliau? haha.

fadhillah - dunia skrg tak ade ape yg pelik. she was a singer before dah pun. =) a nasyid group, i heard. ah well, maybe she wants to switch to a new genre. i dont think it's a big deal pun actresses wanting to sing..i just think the song's fricking annoying. haha.

adinda - apa, mengundang kemenyampahan!?? tahap hina!?? jom kita tak payah minat dia. haha.

Anonymous said...

avid gunner - garangnya kamu. XD

aisya - omg you just made me teary-eyed!! i always wondered why people would like mean posts..i think i'm so jahat when i write (sometimes-la)..and you said awesome tahap dewi!!! oh god i'll change my avatar to belldandy ASAP! and i LOVE YOUR POSTS too!!

adik yu - god i hope the song gets out of your head, soon. who knows what kinda damage it would do to the brain - lol.

adik nulu - statement power smpai tak terkata apa. XD haha. ok. questionable libido. agreed.

Aamir said...

owh my god, i almost muntah hijau when i eat my supper while listening to the song. memang dia bajet cute gila la boh line kawaii la, dengan perkataan jepun apa dia merapu taktau. adoi, dah la ngeri tengok dia pakai wig camtu. god damn it she should stick to nasyid and raya songs!

Anonymous said...

aamir - you almost muntah hijau? i muntah-ed hijau several times already! haha. and please aamir, check the newspaper hari tu..yg berita hiburan tu. last sunday kot. it's NOT a wig. that's her REAL hair. and it's yellow!

President (wiir2000) said...

kelakar betul lirik lagu ni.

Aisya Shurfa said...

I wouldn't say your posts are mean... They're just brutally honest! They're only mean to people who they actually apply to... I mean, like, the singer of the song you posted would think this post is mean... But it's not...

The thing is, there's a difference... Being mean for no reason other than to be a b*tch is stupid, and that's not what you do. You are the type who criticizes but with good reason. And yes, criticism can be pedas, but that's exactly why they pay Simon Cowell millions to be on American Idol! :D

Nani Othman said...

president - kelakar? memualkan ade la. XD

aisya - oh my god. sgt terharu. thank you, sister. *huggie* i don't know what to say. oh si perempuan gila menulis ni sudah kering vocab sekejap. =,,) it's just wonderful that at least someone doesn't think i'm mean. someone who isn't family. sumpah i appreciate it sangat!! thanks again! and i hope one day i'll be paid millions to say stuff, too. *sniff skit* haha!

Darling said...

Nani, K-Pop Nani layan jugak kah? Jadi Nani kena tgk video ni, and then tell me, what do u think? *x sabar tggu Nani komen* I dun like K-Pop or J-Pop, tapi amatlah geli tgk video ini.

Anonymous said...

nani dgr jugak k-pop Kak Darling, tp yg adik nani layan je. yg lain nani taktau. jap nk gi dgr.


ok dah dgr. sebut tteonada mcm *&^%$#@!!! ape nak jadi dgn artis (yeah right mcm dorang tahu art lah sgt) malaysia ni!? dah tak boleh come up dgn identiti sendiri ke? boring ah.

nnt kite tgk ape nana nak ulas. XD haha.

Munsyi said...

at least she should do a bit of homework when she said that she's bringing this type of image. at first, I really think she hv talent when she pronounce the 'kawaii no kawaii' part (which of coz like u said is a copycat from ichigo mashimaro's OP).then the rest is just like what u said.I didnt want to hear till the end. if she's like 12 or 9, then, it's kawaii. desho? hoho

Jiyuu said...

I have absolutely no idea who this post is about. Now I'm deliberating between the bliss of ignorance or satisfying my curiosity of what exactly has gotten nani so annoyed and inevitably getting annoyed myself.


Jiyuu said...

I apologize for not coming here sooner, but well, final sem and all....Nice place u got here tho. Love the feel of it. Relieved that you think you're sane (though I kind of doubt that you really are =p). Oh and, I'm honored to be on your blog list.


Anonymous said...

munsyi - 9 or 12, i dont think she'd ever sound kawaii. i think it's annoying, the way she sounds. XD and i'm no fan of copycats.

jiyuu - find out at your own risk. haha. and glad that you like my new place. ehehe. of course i do think i'm sane. most people do when they're not. and those who think they're insane are as boring as hell. speaking from experience. hehe. come again~!

Jiyuu said...

Curiosity won. The cat in Jiyuu died a very horrible death and is now an angry ghost aspiring to haunt the self-proclaimed horrorjuku.

Mama Marissa Naufal said...

kah..kah...kah....nasib la saper yg minat budak nie...leh jadi pekak...pencemaran bunyi btul...

H. Iman said...

er, hye:D
im not into that minx neither am i defending her,since this is my first time seeing this girl,

i thought this was just some cover song from a nobody.

but it wasn't so bad at all.
it wasn't her fault that song rhymes that way(copycat the anime whatever)
she's just the robot of music anyway,

producer:sing this way!
girl: of course my lord.



Anonymous said...

jiyuu - take me with you on the nights of the haunting. XD haha.

hime - ye mmg pun. tapi dah name pon peminat kan, mane ade pencemaran bunyi kalau gitu. bagi kite yang dilahirkan mmpunyai telinga yang tahu berfungsi mmg pencemaran ah. hehe.

halawatul iman - you are forgiving. i am not. what's rubbish is to me, rubbish. and besides, i don't even know what language she uses to sing the song.

for all i know of BM, and i sure do know more than the average malay-speaking people, there is no such L sound in our language. strong L does exist in english and maybe some other language, but in BM no it doesn't. and that wasn't the ONLY sound she pronounced rubbishy. they were all over the thing called song. all over.

i know it's not her fault that the song is the ultimate rip-off of the century. but to agree with you that the song isn't so bad at all, i can't. i think it's the worst i've ever heard.

producer: sound more idiotic!!
singer: no problemo.

is more like it.

H. Iman said...

i was LOLing reading that:P
well,she was trained to pronounce every sounds to be as b*tchy as it could, like that L thing you kept talking about.ahaha

just, chill:P
she wont be long in our industry,trust me.

Anonymous said...

iman - well..most un-original singers don't. XD

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