August 12, 2010

Pegang-pegang, raba-raba itu semua berizin kan?

'I benci laki yang kapel dengan orang lain, lepas tu kawen dengan orang lain. Sial,' said a friend, one day. I was only starting on my ice-cream when she began. So I turned to look at her. She had this frown on her face that made me raise a brow. She looked like she had seen Cookie Monster doing a zapin.

'Izhar kawen dengan sape lepas break up dengan you?' I asked – which was totally something she would never forgive. She shot me a killer stare and suddenly the ice-cream tasted like sand. More like melted sand, I'd say. But I wasn't in trouble. I was the only friend she had. The only one she ever would have.


Teacher Nani biasanya test-test baca dulu mana-mana buku yang dia berkenan sebelum dia beli. Lepas test-test, kalau tak berkenan dia simpan balik. Kalau berkenan, dia akan ambil a new copy of the chosen title yang masih berbalut plastik serta tak ada sebarang cacat pada spine dan cover, yang paling sempurna, bawak pergi kaunter untuk bayar.

Jadi Teacher Nani memang faham bila kawan-kawan lelaki dia tak kahwin pun dengan girlfriend-girlfriend mereka. Her mind works the way theirs do. Masa bercinta tu test-test saja. Yang nak dibuat menantu mak bapak mestilah yang masih berbalut – firsthand.

Pegang-pegang, raba-raba itu semua berizin kan? Percuma saja kamu bagi kan? Jadi kenapa bila boyfriend kamu mintak putus sebab dia tersangkut hati pada anak jiran yang bertudung cute-cute kamu nak marah? It's not like he stole anything from you yang kamu nak suruh dia be responsible tu. Kamu pun carilah juga anak jiran yang bersongkok macho-macho.

Manalah tahu, kot-kot mereka berminat dengan perempuan yang belum berkahwin tapi sudah berbekas pegang-raba, kan?

24 scribbleback (s):

Nana Othman said...

Oh, kenapa saya setuju ya?

sbb saya pun beli buku cantik2 berbalut jugak. tak suka yang orang dah pegang.

harap2 saya dapat jodoh yg baik nanti :)

utk kak nani jugak ^^

Unknown said...

oh, like!

anisah shurfa said...

When I see girls giving themselves away to their boyfriends, I honestly feel sorry for them. Apasal nak murah sangat?

Items are cheap for a reason. They either come in bulk, or are made of crappy quality.

Bayang said...

hahaha. again sis, you have raise my attention to the highest peak about the topic.

i used to call those women who let their balaks to touch them easily as cheap. but of course, they will always defend themselves as they only allow their balaks only. but what if they break off and find a new balaks and that new balak can also touch them too.

i really want to hear your opinion about that cheap matter. ^__^

anak pak man said...

cooool analogy teacher~

truth be told~

inna hayati said...

betul. kisah sesuatu dan pembalut(buku: merujuk pada kisah Nani)...dari dulu selalu di sebut2. Tapi, tak ramai yang faham n betul2 apply. yang melihat ni nak menegur pun payah..rite?

zaman sekarang, dengan kawan-kawan biasa pun dah boleh pegang tangan, tepuk tampar...

donia..oh donia... :D

Zulfadli Zainal said...

tazkirah pedas bulan ramadhan.

Zulfadli Zainal said...

tazkirah pedas bulan ramadhan.

Nani Othman said...

adinda - ei. tak lalu buku yg org dah test. yekk. tak syok. mughah!


hazen - haha. like balik!

anisah - sometimes these girls tak hargai diri, tak pandang tinggi pada diri sendiri, tak rasa diri worthy utk jodoh yg baik, so they let themselves be touched lah. oho. i'd go for crappy quality anytime. XD

aamir - my opinion? no one sells secondhand stuff with the same price as when it was firsthand. if there had been more than one guy doing stuff to her, she's free of charge lah kan? if it's forced then lain cerita lah. but it was mutual, dia pun mau diraba-raba, laki tu pun mau meraba-raba, so mana boleh claim ajak nikah. that's beyond stupid.

Anonymous said...

anak pak man - aha. kids these days tak faham teguran direct ttg dosa pahala. kena explain dgn benda duniawi baru nampak.

kak inna - saya tegur budak kt sekolah boleh la, kak. itupun boleh doa je lah diorg balik rumah tak jadi yg bukan2. kdg2 mak bapak tak ikut same tegur, jadi diorg behave kt sekolah je..balik rumah jadi tak senonoh jugak. haha, kalau dgn kawan boleh tepuk tampar...dgn partner lebih2 lagilah boleh! XD

melon - tu ah. yg tak buat pun berasa pedas jugak. XD

Aisya S. said...

Aisya LIKES this.

Some girls do it because they think it's the only thing that their boyfriends will stay in the relationship for. And they're not willing to lose them because they don't wanna end up alone.

I've heard stories of girls who are too scared to break up with their boyfriends because it's too late, due to the fact that they've already 'done' it. Stupid stupid stupid. I'll never understand them.

Our girls really need to learn how to be empowered. They need to learn how NOT to be sex objects, how to conduct themselves in front of men so that they are treated with respect. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

aisya - i agree. many girls today don't see themselves as they should. they have no idea how 'expensive' they should be treated as.

benda mahal kat kedai, org tgk kedai brand gah sikit je lari, nak masuk tgk pun tak berani. benda murah kat stall boleh pegang2 belek2 tak beli pun takpa. these girls tak nampak the similarity of the situation. so they don't realize yang they are actually sending out the signs that scream 'hey i'm cheap.'

Munsyi said...

setuju. very good example. so, perempuan kena la jual mahal. bg hanya kpd yg betul2 dh halal. kan secure masa depan. :)

Anonymous said...

munsyi - budak2 ni bkm macam kita..masa depan nak jadi apa pun tak tau lagi, ini nk fikir halal haram?

nani said...

you speak truth.

btw, i CAN'T BELIEVE i forgot to follow this new blog. srsly. i was always wondering what happened to your updates until just now i figured out you no longer update ginny. lol. i'm so lame.

but yeah.... you speak truth.

nani said...

i missed commenting so here's a more elaborate response to the post.

sumpah, i have two friends who ended up getting preggers. and one of them even, TWICE! and the other actually had the child but doesn't know who the father is. masya'allah.

one of my closest friends have done it, and was abt to marry the guy she did it with but they had a huge fight cuz the guy was a complete jackass. of course, we tried to warn her abt him, but she wouldn't listen. of course.

i just dunno why these girls think they should just GIVE these assholes what they want. then again, if they're the ones giving themselves away in the first place, i can't say i sympathize. they're my friends tho. so i do feel a little bad. except for the one who had the child tho. she's just lost. i've never spoken to her since form 3 in high school.

i told my friend the other day, "y'know what? all you pretty girls (i say 'you' cuz i'm fat and unattractive, so i hardly ever get hit on.) should get paid rm50 if a guy so much as looks at you twice. rm100 if they start hooting and whistling at you, and rm200 if they start talking nonsense and even more if they sing that annoying 'oh bulan' song just cuz she's wearing a similar style selendang. ugh!"

srsly. they should know their own worth. but honestly, if these girls themselves are being defensive abt the wrong things their doing then rly i say, do whatever the eff you want because if you don't care and being stubborn abt it, then why should i?

S.Azeem Ong said...

jajannngggg~ im here kak nani~! hahaha.

anyways, i 100% agreed with this statement:

"Items are cheap for a reason. They either come in bulk, or are made of crappy quality."


Mama Marissa Naufal said...

...pernah DENGAR perbuatan tu...

...pernah TENGOK perbuatan tu...

...pernah BUAT perbuatan tu...

...dan TAK MALU pun BUAT camtu...

...SUKA HATI aku la...

...HAK AKU nak wat camtu...

...aku yang bayar HARGA buku tu...

...mestila aku nak yang CUN berBALUT lagi...

Anonymous said...

nani - i agree with everything you wrote. in the first place, very very first place, girls should know their worth.

their parents dont spend money raising them into adults with working brains so that they could brainlessly, freely give stuff to the BF that the parents had been protecting since they were born. that's like betrayal. of the highest degree. and that's dumbness. of the highest degree. i dont sympathize people like this. they disgust me. bagi percuma pastu mintak bayar. ape kes?

pleaselah. when their friends try to tune balik their brains into logical thinking, supaya hargai diri, they blow up blabbering hak individu and stuff. poyo gile. tah pape.

Anonymous said...

azeem - i tau. you mesti suka statement2 macho mcm gitu kan? haha.

hime - babe, we both do that. haha. smpai sekarang dan smpai bila pun. lol. tapi takdelah i eksen buku second-hand tak hengen nak beli. kalau worth it title dan cerita, second-hand pun i rembat je 5-6 buah skali, lol. yep. mmg ah suka hati kita. kita yg bayar. XD

cafiena said...

female empowerement.

"ko ni bodohla. biar la dia pegang-pegang sikit. ha, kalo dapat kawen dengan dia. xdala ko jadi andartu"

i think, somewhere somehow, some people in our society believe that tak kahwin is the scariest thing ever will happen to perempuan. i have ask around, and most people said, being janda is better than being andartu, sekurang-kurangnya janda ada harga, andartu macam benda tak laku.

this crappy theory, after being pass from generation to generation produce generasi murah.

it opens door to" takpelah kena raba, daripada jadi anak dara tua" and to "at least aku dah cuba all-out, daripada tak cuba langsung (one night stand)" in the contest of sapa-tak-kawen-tak-laku.

Anonymous said...

zinnera c - asal tak kawen/kawen lambat je ppuan tak laku. kenapa laki yg tak kawen tak dituduh tak mampu/tak setanding/tak layak? what a sick way of thinking.

tak pasal2 ppuan kena bermurah-murah bagi diskaun sbb men are not up to today's standards of husbands. cheh. i have nothing against men, i just think it's unfair for people to look at the scenario of ppuan tak kawen as salah ppuan saje.

kalau kita tgk pun ppuan skrg yg ramai tak kawen tu bkn sbb tak lawa/tak baik/tak berpendidikan - they're too successful, tu je.


i takmau cakap lepas bulan puasa ni, so i'd like to quote my friend - tak rugi lambat kawen kalau memang jodoh tak jumpa lagi. biar lambat, asalkan jumpa yang betul. biar sempurna. jgn dikejar2 kawen awal smpai terpaksa turunkan harga diri.

fizzahyahiya said...

Haha. GOOD one!

Anonymous said...

fz - i guess so. XD

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