October 25, 2010

'Nani, you mengajar di MRSM kan?'

'A-ah, why?'

'I dengar budak-budak MRSM ni semua terpilih. Pandai-pandai.'

'What do you want?'

'Apesal yang duk dapat 20A, 22A tu bukan budak-budak you? I mean, bukan budak-budak MRSM? Semua budak-budak Kementerian. Heran jugak I. Apa yang terpilihnya?'

Dalam hati Teacher Nani, statement-statement hangit telah dilancarkan ke otak for quality control sebelum dihantar ke mulut untuk dijadikan bom. Tapi Teacher Nani sabar. Teacher Nani sabar.

'Awak, ambik pun sepuluh subjek je dibenarkan, macam mana nak score A sampai 22 ketul?'

Dia diam sekejap.

I mean seriously, kalau dah sejak MRSM pertama ditubuhkan sampai hari ini masih tidak ada walaupun seorang budak MRSM dapat 25 ketul A padahal yang lepas masuk sini semua yang baik-baik + pandai-pandai, mestilah it has something to do with the number of subjects allowed. Possible je budak-budak ini nak dapat 40A pun kalau ada 40 subjek untuk SPM - sebab mereka memang mampu. Sistem kami membenarkan sepuluh subjek sahaja diambil. 10 itu pun belum tentu 40A-scorers tempat lain mampu lawan. So, sepuluh sajalah yang budak-budak ini perlu score.

Dan Teacher Nani memang nak sangat lepaskan bom. Sebiji pun cukuplah.

'Dulu awak UPSR ambik 5 subjek, tapi result keluar 7A eh?'

Haha. Ambik kau. Tapi bom kecik je pulak.


Tak apa. Janji bom. XD

* * *

Dude, janganlah tanya soalan-soalan macam ni. Pedih betul la nak jawab. Pedih lagi you yang dapat jawapan I tu kan?

24 scribbleback (s):

Luke Skywalker said...

Kah kah kah. Bangang tahap dewataraya betul orang yang bertanyam soalan tu. Kesengalan terserlah pada soalannya. Dah kasi 10, maka 10 lah. Budak yang score 22A boleh dikira berapa. Tak sampai 10 pun yg amik. Kuar paper sorang dua je. MRSM ada format yang tersendiri walaupun aku bukan cikgu mahupun student MRSM ^_^.

Bayang said...

i dont think taking a lot of subjects in spm and scoring all of them makes you goddamn genius. it's just the matter of being hardworking. IMHO, how much As do you get during your spm is not important, as long as you know what you can really do and you can work well in that area, not just talk big but gain nothing.

♥ Teacher Nonoi ♥ said...

Apa masalahnya sebenarnya ni? haha.. perlu ke tanya soalan macam tu..?? Hahahaha.. tahpape betul lah!!

Apa masalah dia le agaknya haih.

cafiena said...


baru dia tau bom cik nani!

gelak kan dia lagi.

here's a thought, kalo boleh score kimia, bio, fizik A, takkan amek sains dan sains tambahan dapat B pulak.

kalo buat karangan 100 patah perkataan reti, takkan mengeja tak reti kan?

hoho, ni mungkin keturunan kalo anak tak pat stret A kena halau rumah..

nani said...

lol. sebenarnya dia nak cakap apa, bertanya macam tu? that you are not good enough a teacher that you can't produce a 25A result student? that MRSM students are not capable of scoring such results? that they don't deserve to be labeled as terpilih?? lmao. patut bom je habis2. ish!

btw, i don't think the number of As you get matters. in the end it all boils down to how you practise the knowledge you have. kalau atas paper cemerlang tapi bila betul2 perlu, x dapat buat... no point jugak. haha.

S.Azeem Ong said...

I strongly believe, terlalu banyak A doesn't help with anything. at all.

If you're going for engineering field, they'd only focus on your math, english, bm and chemistry only. the other 5 subjects are meant to compete with other students.

why should u go to the extend of berbelas2 subject.

doesnt matter lah u're a MRSM/kementerian student. but, what are you trying to prove here by taking banyak2 subject? hm.

orang sesat said...

ahaha..my sis dpt inteviu dekat mrsm (jeli kowt)..tp die x pegi sbb konon nya sgt susah nk tukar (balik dekat sket ngan umah)...tak sangka dapat jumpa cg.mrsm kat sini...betol ke khabar angin tu (pasal susah nk tukar tuh)

elnoir said...

This is what happens when everyone has an exam-centric mindset.

We talk about "developing and retaining first-world talent base" (That's Chapter Five in the RMK10, fellas), but if we're still trapped in that exam-centric of mindset, how can we hope to reach that aim?

Counting grades is fine.
But is it going to help in the long run?
You don't need 22As to figure that out.

macha_sezs said...

*click like button*

Budak sesat#2 said...

I've been wanting to go to MRSM since 12 but never got the chance T.T Hopefully , next year dapat :)

Haha nice post .

inna hayati said...

yang penting quality bukan kuantiti. seorang itulah yang dapat 22A, yg insyaAllah masa depannya terjamin. yang lain2 tu?
zaman sekarang ni...pada akak, yg penting bukan berapa A u boleh score in SPM,but how u manage urself after SPM tu...Setuju?

Sir Pök Déng said...

MRSM begged me to accept their offer twice! I sombong-ly declined them because I wanna get 35A's at Kementerian school. I did. I got 35A's for SPM, ya know.

Nana Othman said...

statement cari pasai mmg layak d bom

Melle Abadi said...

haha ayat "ketul" tu memang comel gila

The Tea Drinker said...

bill gates tak amik SPM punnnnnn.

*if i did get 25A, i'd probably be saying something different. bit i didn't so i'm playing the role of the jealous monkey*

anak pak man said...

Itulah, nak demean orang, tp diri sendiri kena deface. Oleh the pakar, teacher max! haha

IMHO, it's all about retaining and regurgitating what you've read, SPMs.. The KBSM has a long way to go in terms of developing thinking skills. Some students are fortunate enough to have teachers who invoke critical thinking in their classes. Unfortunately, most aren't that fortunate.

Anonymous said...

luke - i know, right? some people suka tanya soalan yg memang sudah lama berjawab. annoying.

aamir - tahu takpe. being a genius has nothing to do with your number of As. it's the matter of what you do with what you have. XD

noi - nani mmg taktau masalah dia apa. haha.

Anonymous said...

cafiena - seram ah keturunan mcm tu. tapi nani tau mmg ade org dr famili mcm tu. smpai histeria nk bunuh diri sbb englih dpt B. pdhal bukan teruk pun. ngeh.

nani - many, ok, MANY skool-leavers can really write in english. many of them dapat gce A1. tapi when it comes to interviews/sharing of ideas..oh god these people would rather die than say anything. so yeah. nothing to do with the number of As. man.

azeem - maybe they're challenging themselves - tgk byk mana boleh dpt. tgk2 semua dapat. like my mum said, 'byk mana kita usaha, byk itulah tuhan bagi.' =)

org sesat - susah kalau maktab yg die mintak tu takde kosong. biasenye ok je. hm. tapi kalau nk duk dekat rumah, buat apa masuk asrama?

Anonymous said...

elnoir - i love the idea of abolishing spm n pmr. i believe that would make a huge change in the way our younger generations carry themselves in the world.

macha - *likes you*

budak sesat2 - goodluck! XD

kak inna - setuju. dpt result elok mmg penting, tapi cara kita hidup selepas spm tu lagi penting. budak2 skrg patut all-rounded, bkn pandai akademik saja.

Anonymous said...

pok deng - haha. i've heard. XD i've always adored your number of As. hehe.

adinda - ya. sudah dibom secara terkawal. XD

melle. - i know, right!? huhu.

tea drinker - haha. a jealous monkey. good one! anyway, yeah, bill gates tak ambik spm pon. i like that one.

anak pak man - i'm not pakar anything! XD haha. ah well, chucking off pmr and spm might change something, don't you think? all this 'hafal nota mcm psiko gila so senang nk jwb periksa' environment is driving everyone crazy - dr cikgu smpai ke student smpai ke tukang kebun. seriously.

nani said...

nani, i agree. they should chuck off the SPM and PMR and just do a big college entrance exams. actually i think our whole education system is kinda messed up. just a little. most of us these days are purely like, hafal hafal hafal to the deaths. do they actually GET what they've been taught? hardly. do the teachers actually make an effort to explain it thoroughly in an interesting way? some of them, yes. but those are few and far apart. sad but true.

and it's like, if the student isn't interested in the subject or driven enough to score, or they're interested, but aren't smart enough to really understand or too slow to catch up, then they're doomed to failure. not to mention the inferiority complex. always that pressure from the parents to outdo the smarter kids. like, oh, look at that boy. if he can do it, why can't you? etcetc. especially if you're one of those forever-second-best type students where no matter what you do or how hard you try, you just can't. it's tough on a kid. lol.

now they've just made history a core subject. i thank god i was born early because history is just NOT my forte. poor kids.

Anonymous said...

nani - that's why i'm all for abolishing spm and pmr, like how the japanese and koreans do it. let them be tested for their worth through the university entrance exams.

some students just cannot do books. they need to get their hands working. creativity isn't the same for everyone. that's why we see hi-school smartypants working for those who used to be low-achievers when they were in college. at first it was amusing. then it becomes common. how many of us really bring what we memorized in hi-skool to the working world? the outside-of-skool world?

history was not my forte, too. and my dad taught history when he was a teacher. man.

talk about tough.

cafiena said...

dear teacher,

this is kinda late. but better late than never.

in my opinion, abolishing pmr and spm means we have no idea on our youngsters capability. i hope they will provide something that measure their writing,reading,speaking and mathematics capability. they does not have to score advance math, as long as they master BODMAS,( bracket, division, multiplication, addition and substaraction) that will be fine. because later, they wont get cheat by simple transaction and by their manipulative employer.

past few years, i spent sometime teaching standard six student reading and doing math. sadly, they know facebook but they can't tell what 6 time 3 is. they scream hysterically over cute korean singer/actor, despite whatever they are saying.

for the hi-smartypants, i think because most of them didn't bother to explain, then most people enjoy saying they can't survive after school.

let just ponder a few things: when working, why all of a sudden, the need to have good performance while during school time, having good performance is being undermined?

after a long talk with some hi-school smartypants, i have conclude a few things. they have deal with all the social climb earlier. now its boring. they have got all the money earlier, heck, they were paid to study, now money isn't really something enjoyable to chase.

now, they enjoy seizing the day. there are not those who want to retire with 6 bedroom houses and a high end car. they have better things to do. for a start, changing things around them to be a better place and stop blaming the system.

although, this might sound crappy or ridiculous, but if you do meet them, trust me, they make nearly a million annually, and they drive our national car, not bentley or bmw.

last not least, personally, language is a medium of communication, as long as information received, then, it serve its purposes.

sorry for the awful grammar.

Anonymous said...

i get you. totally. my suggestion was, if they were to ever abolish spm n pmr, there should me another testing method implemented. like how the japanese and korean do it. and thanks a lot for sharing the view. =) it was such an eye-opener.

i believe students should be allowed to choose what they wanna do with their lives since school - not after they crashed their SPM beyond repair and getting no place in the university at all. not everyone is born academicians, memorizers..some of us are outstanding with our hands, more than the rest of us who are good with their brains.

that's what i hope to change with aboloshing spm and pmr - i hope students get to learn to make bigger decisions earlier. =)

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