October 4, 2010

Under 20? Don't read this. *UPDATED*

This happened yesterday. I won't call this person a friend. More like one of those unfortunate encounters in life. A little light; he's interested, I'm not. He talked of marriage, I evaded. Then it went into 'ketaatan seorang isteri' all of a sickening sudden, then I was pissed. So I cut off the conversation, and he began texting: 

Nani, I have tried everything and I really love oral. Jadi kalau I kawen dengan orang yang memang takmau buat, maksudnya I takkan rasa lagi dah for the rest of my life. Rugilah I macam tu. Sebab tu I nak kawen dengan orang yang betul-betul boleh dengar cakap I dan akan buat apa saja yang I suruh.

My reply: Ajaklah the person who gave you oral tu kawen. Dah jumpa pun orang yang sanggup, you cari apa lagi?

My intended reply: Engkau gila ke bodoh ke s*al? Nak mampus punya offensive statement jahanam engkau; engkau hendak cari isteri yang taat sebab engkau won't take No for your oral sex request? Lahanat mana yang bagi engkau lulus kursus kawen hari tu memang patut ditarik balik lesen pengiktiraf dia. Engkau sakit jiwa yang amat sangat dah ke, sampai kena bincang benda private macam itu dengan orang yang bukan family engkau? Some people memang tak hadir kot pada hari Tuhan mengurniakan otak kepada manusia, kan?

Haha, tu cerita lama la. Dia pun dah kawen. Dah nak ada anak dah pun.

My reply: None.

My intended reply: Grossgusting gila perempuan terbabit!

Kalau I nak jugak macam mana?

My reply: Sebelum kawen letaklah syarat bertulis siap-siap. Cari orang yang memang suka buat kerja tu, then kawen je lah.

My intended reply: Jawapan di atas, plus this - Tapi kalau engkau rasa jawapan aku itu considerable, engkau memang bodoh tahap kuasa tiada tandingan. Kalau bodoh engkau tu sebuah karangan, bukan tahap setakat terkeluar tajuk je, terkeluar dari kertas jawapan terus ke lubang tandas, layak gagal sama sekali.

Kalau I pilih you jugak?

My reply: I takmau menzalimi diri. For you mungkin benda ni kecik, tapi I takmau. I don't take risks.

My intended reply: Ya. Tanpa was-was dan tidak syak lagi, bodoh engkau memang tak tertanding. Gila engkau dah tak boleh dirawat – in the first place, apa jampi serapah mak nenek engkau yang buat engkau sanggup terfikir aku akan peduli apa-apa pun kehendak engkau?

Alaa, tapi I nak you jugak. Tak boleh ke?

My reply: I takmau suami yang suka suruh I buat benda yang I takmau.

My intended reply: Pergi matilah!!!

Tapi I tak fahamlah kenapa you taknak. Bukan bahaya pun. Ramai je orang buat. Sihat je. Doktor-doktor pun takde kate jangan buat.

My reply, fully intended: God made d*cks to fit in v*ginas, sperms should go into wombs, why the h*ll would I wanna let something that should go down below into my mouth? I don't wanna say this but since you somehow jadi bodoh tiba-tiba, I'll explainlah –

Ustazah I kata dulu, zalim itu meletakkan sesuatu bukan pada tempat yang sepatutnya, benda basic macam tu, graduate macam you mesti tau kan? Apa benda dalam neraka yang actually made you think that I would consider a d*ck that had gone into some b*tch's mouth to be placed *ew* in mine? Sakit gila jiwa engkau!

No reply, sampai hari ini.

Then, an equally sick acquaintance of mine who happens to be 3 years older and should have been so many times smarter came up with this, 'Tapi kalau suka sama suka pulak lain cerita, itu kira meletakkan sesuatu pada tempat yang setepatnyalah kan?'

Apa pasal engkau semua suka sangat miss the point ni!? Gila annoying lah existence engkau semua!

So kalau Ali kata, 'Abu, engkau tikamlah aku, aku halalkan,' dan Abu pun melakukan aktiviti menikam,  maka pisau itu dikira terletak pada tempat selayaknya kah - menembusi jantung Ali?

Apa pasal aku kena bagi contoh psiko jiwa hati rawan gering segala sel-sel otak macam ini dekat graduate-graduate macam engkau semua? Apa otak engkau semua sudah penuh sangat dengan ilmu degree empat tahun sampai tak boleh berfikir benda kecik serupa ini? Tolonglah!

Number engkau dan engkau aku dah delete. Antibodi aku tak larat lawan virus jiwa tenat engkau semua. Aku report polis kalau engkau dan engkau buat hal lagi.

Engkau semua pun tahu kan, aku ini memang suka buat laporan?

* * *

UPDATE: I had a talk with two ustazahs at school, confirmed that my hukum zalim based response wasn't exactly applicable to the matter of the discussion, but what I did could be accepted in that situation where such a person is involved (explanation panjang, I tak larat nak karang). Might have triggered one or two thinking neurons in his brain to work.

32 scribbleback (s):

Luke Skywalker said...

Eeeuuwww~ Bloodyhell

Ayaq said...


Caramel Foxx said...

siapalah isteri dia kan...

anak pak man said...

I'm sure glad I'm 20..

nani said...

apa keje discuss something as private as that with someone yang xnak tahu pun?!?!?!? ewwwwww!!! what the fuck la orang macam ni kan?

and bagus sangatlah perempuan tu. da kawen and ada anak. bagus husband you kiss mulut you yang dah pergi kat orang lain punya penis. bagus lah sangat.

grossgusting. <-- my new favorite word. haha.

Nurdyana said...

i call that sexual harassment.

Lisa said...


Adoi laaaaa. >.<

Dia Sleepy said...

Yay u've put this issue on ur blog....totally agree, sexual harassment. how sick can some guys be?

Sonnet said...

ish~~!! xmau la suami cam ni.

sakit jiwa tahap dewa!!

eeeii~~!!! geli dowh...kawen semata mata nk oral.

Anonymous said...

luke - i know right? haha.

ayaq masak - hahaha! right back atcha!

supa-jelli - i'd love to know, too. hehe.

anak pak man - me too. hehe.

Anonymous said...

nani - haha. otak i tak sampai lagi ke situ, laju gile you! a-ah kan, sedih gile jadi husband die. *fikir2 kejap* omg i cannot imagine!!

nurdyana - i might call it that, too.

lisa farhana - haha. adoila jugak!

Anonymous said...

jasmine - oh you also think it's sexual harrassment? hm. maybe i should call it that, too. oh they don't think they're sick. for many of them, it's normal to want it - to put that organ intended for their wive's ehm into their mouths instead. the person in my post confirmed it himself.

long - tu ah. kawen semata-mata nk oral n rase rugi kalau tak dpt oral sbb dh penah rase! ape gile ko nk cite kt org asing psl hidup psiko kau??

avid said...

i thought a marriage is all about two people sharing a life together. since when the husband gets to boss around the missus?

cafiena said...

super big euwwwwwww!!!!

grossgusting it is!!

graduate apa tu? grossgusting syllabus?

again. euuww!!

when im under 18, naive and in rage, my reflex let me slap or punch someone hard on the face. physically. and i did. few times.

one thing being gross, another thing of taking women as " akan buat apa saja yang I suruh."

kawen dgn robot la, programme kan mcm mana ko nak.

now i wonder, what kind of women will agree to that before agreeing to marry that guy?

Nani Othman said...

avid gunner - i know, right?? ape bossing around ni??

cafiena - yeah. he should get a robotlah to programkan however he wants. gila.

Aisya S. said...

WTF?! That dude committed at least ten offenses when he sent all those text messages to you!

First of all, that whole 'ketaatan seorang isteri' excuse he thinks will win your heart? OMG tolonglah. It doesn't give any man the right to force his wife into doing something she doesn't want to. Yes, a wife perlu taat, but a husband needs to be considerate and respectful.

Got this from a website:

'When I asked my sheikh about these very issues he pointed out that while each spouse is responsible to provide for the other spouse's sexual needs and to keep them chaste, it is absolutely unlawful to abuse one another, mentally or physically.

He also points out that Allah Most High in the Qur'an orders husband and wife to act amicably and well towards one another, and one needlessly forcing the other to do something--even when they have the right to demand it--goes against this principle. I once asked whether or not it was disobedience [nushuz] if a husband demanded fellatio from his wife and she refused. His answer was that she is ordered to submit herself to him for intercourse: something she has not denied him here.'

That dude is mentally sicklah, Nani. No gentleman or lelaki baik in his right mind would disclose something like that to another woman who is not his wife.

Luke Skywalker said...

Dia gersang sangat. Nak sangat pegi chow kit road la..kat sana ramai dan murah ^_^ free pun ada

Munsyi said...

adeh. Next time just ignore this kind of person or maybe you can just msg those intended replies. So sick la that guy!

Bayang said...

well i don't wanna comment on his goddamn attitude. still, it is an abuse of individual rights to force someone to do what you want even though she's your wife. a mutual understanding is needed and frankly, that guy just trying to manipulate or spin around the facts. just like "owh kawin 4 sebab sunnah nabi." LOL. That particular sunnah you remember but you never apply the others, what is your right to proclaim such things. LOL at these people

Anonymous said...

totally gross...uwek!ade jgk org sakit jiwa cam mamat2 tuh...sabar je la nani..tapi i sokong nani nak buat laporan polis...sb itu dah kira sexual harassment...moga tuhan lindungi ku dari dpt husband begitu.. and moga tuhan tunjukkan jalan yg lurus kat diorang tuh..


Nana Othman said...

eeew geli nak muntah! apa kebenda yang bodoh sgt ni!

Sonnet said...

dia tu tak tahu malu ke?? pi reveal habis pasal diri dia yg sakit mental kat orang lain. apa dia ingat semua org akan kagum ke dgn statement dia cam sampah tu???

ladyviral said...

And this really makes the world turn... because there are people like this that shows us we are way better... >.<

S.Azeem Ong said...

i like this part:

"Some people memang tak hadir kot pada hari Tuhan mengurniakan otak kepada manusia, kan?"

i always did.

oh and, that guy is stupid. for real. result from ponteng pada hari Tuhan mengurniakn otak..

Ms. Nuur said...

yeow, oral? I thought oral test as in speaking test tadi. How innocent of me :p haha

Anonymous said...

aisya - haha, hi aisya. i know. thanks for the long comment and the highly reassuring explanation and references. i don't think he was trying to win a heart pun - i doubt an insane person could attempt such thing. hehe.

about his being mentally sick - i know, i feel you, i definitely share your view. i've met good people, and i've met bad, crazy people. i can tell one from the other. it shows on their faces.

luke - haha. takde standard katenye chowkitroad tu. abih ckp mcm tu dgn ppuan yg takde kena-mengena dgn die tu standardlah sgt? sakit jiwa.

munsyi - hehe. ignoring would be keji. i tried to explain, lower the level of explanation to something he could comprehend. i guess some people really made the choice to be stupid.

Anonymous said...

aamir - he didn't say anything about forcing. he WANTED someone who would happily do it. i don't see how that's my problem. yeah. lol at these people.

affern - ada! mestilah ada! and i happen to know them pulak tu. haha. i should report polis next time, shouldn't i? humban saja masuk penjara. saman pon boleh!

adinda - haha. ni namanya manusia. sbb tu level of stupidity dia smpai mcm ni sekali.

long - die ingat nani akan kagum la dekat die yg jujur tu. hey, i tak peduli lah you jujur ke ape, tapi topik perbualan you sangatlah s*al, ok?

Anonymous said...

ladyviral - yeah it does. i love how it feels when i realized that, 'oh, at least i'm not doing this!'..but sometimes i feel bad because i'm thankful that someone is doing something bad. hm.

azeem - haha. some people suka ponteng dari dulu.

aqmaal - lol. how innocent of you indeed.

Sonnet said...

mungkin dia nak menadah simpati kot. tak tertadah la long kalau ada orang cakap hal gini kat long. kenal pun x...pastu nak minta simpati dgn org...

x sangka wujud jugak orang cam gini kat dunia ni....aish...

Anonymous said...

ada la manusia mcm ni. akhirnye terdiscover jugak spesis baru yg memeluatkan ini. hehe.

dgn nani pon tak tertadah la long.. sakit gile la jiwa die.

Jiyuu said...

I love your rants!

Anonymous said...

jiyuu - i love yours! haha.

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