December 17, 2010

Heart status: STOLEN.

And I don't think I'd want it returned. 

It's yours, Bradley James. Keep it.

Arthur: Is what I want really that insane?
Gwen: Yes, Arthur.
Arthur: Then I'm happy being insane.


* * *

OMG MY HEART. *breathes* Wait. What's breathing again?

Alright. Enough spasm. I just want everyone to know that I am destined to marry Bradley James. I am destined to marry Bradley James. I am destined to marry Bradley James. I know this sounds insanely childish, what with the crazy (but true, nevertheless) statement being written three times (I could have written it a hundred times but it would sound the same, so), but I'm in that mood now so you'd do best not saying anything nasty about it. I don't need you to. I am, after all, destined to marry Bradley James. (Yes. I. Am. Besotted. Happy?)

Anyone here a Merlin addict?

29 scribbleback (s):

Mr. Gargus said...

umm.....who is Bradley James?

Anonymous said...

hi mr gargus. =) thanks for following my blog.

bradley james plays arthur in the tv series merlin. *^^*

Mr. Gargus said...

ah, i see.....are you in the U.S.?

Nasiruddin bin Mohd Fazali said...

Wah! How desperate you sound! Hahahahha! Jangan marah na...comment mengada.

Anonymous said...

mr. gargus - nope. i'm in malaysia.

ache - i AM not desperate. i am JUST besotted. although that's no excuse, haha. XD

Luke Skywalker said...

Can i be your Bradley James? ^_^

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha~yep bradley james sangat comel~hahahaha may ur wish come true nani~ -affern-

NadiahZ said...

Anonymous said...

luke - i'll think about it. =)

affni - omg he is!!!!!! thanks!

nadiah - can't view it. DX

Hananeechan said...

is your heart "stolen by" or "given to"? hehehe..
yeah he's so cute.

Anonymous said...

hana - stolen. definitely. XD

Sobrina said...

teacher,this is sobrina :)hye
thank you for reading my blog.i didn't know
keep on writing teacher

Anonymous said...

sobrina - hi sobby. haha. rather weird-sounding name right there. but nice nevertheless. haha. XD you keep writing, too.

Anonymous said...

Aku rasa si Nani Othman ni yang kata kat Thinker dia tak suka Thinker guna bahasa inggeris bagi komen sebab Thinker nak tunjuk educated, kata dia. Lepas tu Thinker jawab kat dia balik yang dia tu ada penyakit "deep seated inferiority Complex", maka Si Nani Othman penipu ni melenting..

Korang tahu tak kenapa aku tahu dia ni yg komen kat Thinker, sebab aku tengok profile dia, mak datuk!! dia punya interest ada banyak ni:

* Al-Quran
* books
* Readers’ Digest
* journalism
* reading
* libraries
* education
* languages
* bookstores
* smell of leather-bounds
* riddles
* science fiction
* swords and sorcery
* mysteries
* ghost stories
* scrapbooking
* magazines
* artbooks
* fairy tales
* fantasy
* blogs
* writing
* grammar
* Kyung Il Yang
* Takeuchi Naoko
* Obata Takeshi
* Watsuki Nobuhiro
* paper crafts
* computers
* Artician
* music
* pencil sketches
* used papers
* ManteraWorks
* collage
* drawing
* tarot card drawings
* stamps
* flickr
* designing
* painting
* manga
* Garfield
* anime
* DeviantArt
* collecting papers
* home decorating
* religion
* friends
* nature
* sea
* mountains
* fire
* rainy days
* water
* cats
* sunset
* love
* mermaids
* flowers
* gardening
* babies
* peace
* fairies
* roses
* lilies
* butterflies
* orcas
* experimental lunches
* sushi
* chocolate chip cookies
* cakes
* chocolate
* postcards
* stickers
* sarcasm
* shoes
* bags
* YSL – Babydoll
* Dior – Addict
* family
* newspapers
* TV
* movies
* sitcoms
* J-Pop
* Animal Planet
* Ancient Cultures
* self-discovery
* current issues
* museums
* and the followers of her blog.

Tak kah tu nama dia inferiority complex tahap DASYAT? Nak tunjuk educated punya pasal. Lepas tu plak..dahlah yg teratas sekali interest dia Al Quran, boleh plak tu terangsang bila ada orang kat sini nak sondol dan sontot dia..., dia ingat nak guna Anonymous, ha ko, Allah swt tak berkenan ter sign in sebagai NANI OTHMAN yang sebenarnya.....dah kemaluan, boleh plak minta si UNCLESEEKERS padamkan komen...WHEW!!! dasyat sungguh ko punya HYPOCRISY, ustazah nani Othman! Gua tak sangka!!! Tak percaya lagi sama lu......

Anonymous said...

anon - no one asked you to. pft.

Faisal Admar said...

Anonymous, why not you reveal yourself instead of hiding behind ANONYMOUS "nickname"?

It's annoying to read crap in people's blog. Why don't you write yours instead of putting rubbish in others?

Are you happy now?

Anonymous said...

mr faisal - i think he is. =) strange how people can write something so long based on 'aku rasa'.

Sonnet said...

oooooo...somebody wanted to make this place hotter.

anonymous junker-crapper. what the F***ing Sh*t he is???

Anonymous said...

long - we should say thank you for turning up the heat..NOT! huhu.

Sonnet said...

cara penulisan that crappy guy to sangat kebudak budakan. dlm blog berani la nak flame orang sana sini. entah2 kat luar pengecut taik hanjeng!!

Anonymous said...

flame pun pakai lilin je, long. copy balik kat profile orang, tiba-tiba masuk topik inferiority complex. bukannya dia tahu meaning pun tu. main tulis je.

pengecut taik hanjeng. *likes*

Sonnet said...

setakat copy and paste, kopi pastu letak coffeemate....semua org leh wat la. come on!! dia ingat kita heran sgt ke ngan flame dia kat blog uncleseekers tu??

dia cakap baik tak payah baca blog tahyul...yg dia duk setiap masa pi komen blog tu knape?? bangang kepala hanjeng la mamat tu. kalau dah tak suka, tak payah baca terus. senang.

pastu lagi teruk, dia pergi heboh plak org lain menipu. ingat kita takut ke kalau setakat heboh dlm blog pakai anon? pergi mampos dlm lubang jamban la wei!!

flame pakai lilin *likes*

Anonymous said...

sape nak heran long. sume org boleh flame. nasib je baik terkena daulat nani othman, bolehlah meracau tiga-empat puluh kilo sebut name nani je. habis kotor nama i kena taip dengan jari dia. eei.

woh. suruh mampos dalam lubang jamban tu!!

rasenye jamban muntah balik kot. mana ade jamban dlm dunia ni pernah telan najis sedasat anon!

bangang kepala hanjeng. *likes*

Sonnet said...

lubang jamban pun rasanya xnak terima dia kot...haha. sebab terlampau najis yang tak boleh disamak seperti hanjeng dan Bab 1.

rasa2 nya kalau kena daulat long jadi cam ne ek?? sawan sambil keluar buih je ke...ataupun tangan masuk dlm lubang punggung???

Anonymous said...

mati punye offensive ni long. haha.

rasenye sume badan die masuk punggung. tak tinggal ape.

Sonnet said...

hahaha!! x pernah lagi long tulis gini...hehe

saje nk tunjuk belang walaupun ad belang kat tgn je...hehe

Anonymous said...

nani ade Gelang. ha. mcm mane tu?

Kaoru said...

wow, sori ada satu mende yg i xphm. kalo ada byk interest tu kira inferiority complex ke? br first time dgr. apa kaitan intrest dgn inferiority? serius. xphm.

Anonymous said...

kaoru - you ingat i faham ke? i lagi tak faham. setahu i org inferior ni byk tiru/salin benda yg org lain buat. contoh mcm copy-paste interest org. sbb sendiri takde interest. haha.

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