December 31, 2010

Dan aku lagi pandai BM daripada cikgu BM kau.

Kau kata kau Melayu hebat layak bangga sampai mati, sebab kau:
Makan belacan.
Anti tahyul.
Benci English.
Pandai mencarut.
Angau kat Tiz Z*kiah, or however you spell her name.

Kau jugak kata aku Melayu tak sedar diri baik takde kat dunia ni, sebab aku:
Tak makan belacan.
Blog in English and thus hina bangsa aku (kau nak mati sangat dah?).
Baca Harry Potter.
Sarcasm tajam kau tak faham (kau yang bodoh, salah aku pulak).
Suka tengok cerita tahyul bertajuk Merlin.

Aku kata:
Atok engkaulah, pondan. Aku makan je sambal belacan. Aku reti jugak mencarut. Tapi aku sarcastic, aku suka English, aku akan kahwin dengan Bradley James sambil terus meluat kat Tiz Z*akiah. Dan aku lagi pandai BM daripada cikgu BM kau.

Pandai BM tak ada dalam spec yang kau bagi. Padahal itu bahasa rasmi bangsa aku, bangsa kau.

So where the hell EXACTLY do I fit in your black and white definition of either Melayu? 

* * *

Ni aku nak tanya, kamu semua sedar tak yang sebenarnya ada lagi manusia judgmental sakit jiwa macam ni dalam masyarakat kita? Aku ingat habis pupus dah!

54 scribbleback (s):

Lisa said...

Haters gonna hate, yo.
But yeah sometimes it's so damn irritating that some people have this habit of thinking that if you speak English, you must think you're so much better than the rest.
Like people who use English macam sengaja nak menunjuk lah yang hey, aku boleh speaking, kau boleh?


Ayaq said...

LOL, poor Garg. Should I translate it for you?

One thing I just hate, is that people who think others (espesh Malay) who speak in English, are not patriotic, doesn't appreciate the language, they are the ones who will ruin the Malay language! We should kill English! Booyah!

If any, taking translation as my major during my undergrad years makes me appreciate my mother tongue more.

Seriously, these people. Sheesh. Dah la tak paham sarcasm, nak marah orang lain pulak. Ini namanya bodoh sombong. Tak paham la kenapa ada orang boleh jaki sangat2 dengan orang lain. Dia ambil harta pusaka keluarga kau ke? (Tiba2 drama Melayu haha)

Anonymous said...

jacob - i'm sorry. DX

lisa - true. when the hell have we ever established such fact? and who the hell have ever thought like that? mase bile la kan kite menunjuk? datang ke sini die tu tak berjemput, i pulak menunjuk! ape ke bengap!

ayaq - patriotism really has nothing to do with what languagge you use and it's so damn stupid how some people can be about it. and i don't understand the jaki part either. macam aku ada mengorat bapak kau lepas tu sapu harta dia yang tak banyak mana tu kan!? (ha dah kuar drama Nani, lagi ngeri - kutuk amount harta siap.)

Sonnet said...

it doesn't matter la kalau we (bangsa melayu) nak cakap any other kind of language pun. x berdosa pun. and our Prophet pun suruh kita blaja bahasa asing.

i'm Malay, i teach English and i speak japanese and any other dialects. for me, we should seek the knowledge, not ruining some other people because.

org yg bagi komen ni kat nani sebenarnya jeles sebab nani lagi hebat dari dia. orang macam ni patut letak kat kandang hanjeng je

Kaoru said...

O. M. G.

man, i thought things like this r supposed to be in Interrrupted blog? hahaha...saba nani, saba... manusia ni ada tahap IQ yg berbeza2 (yg bole ditingkat atau diturunkan). kalo de xcapai tahap pemahaman hg, hg kne paham ciptaan tuhan tu ada hikmahnya. Maybe org tu xpnh dgr kot 'Silence is Safety', utk org2 mcm de, tp xsalah kita praktik 'Silence is Wisdom' utk maintain gaya. kan? kan? hehehe...

Anonymous said...

kak long - entahnye. ape pulak menghina bangsa kalau ckp bahasa lain? sakit jiwa!

setuju dgn kak long. kite ni patut menuntut ilmu yang baik-baik, supaya hati kita jadi baik, akhlak kita jadi baik. bukannye menghina orang yang ada ilmu lebih dari kita. kalau taknak belajar dengan dia, boleh pergi belajar kat orang lain.

haha. dia jeles tu nani memang tak ragu-ragulah. mana ada org yang tak jeles dgn nani. ya. itu dia statement dah kuar. XD

letak kat kandang hanjeng?

long. sian sume hanjeng tu.

Anonymous said...

kaoru - ni nani sabar la ni. sebenarnye tak ade ape nak disabarkan pun. fikir balik lawak antarabangsa je semua ni. haha. thanks sbb ingatkan. nani sokong silence in wisdom. macho. XD mcm kaoru. XD

Blogger said...

whoo. i passed by a sasterawan negara last month and he said nothing about your blog insulting bangsa melayu or wuteva. so no worry max.

one more, i might not be a fan of merlin, but me watched supernatural series which are not less tahyul than merlin and guess what. i'm still more malay than tiz z*kiah (or however they spell her name).

Anonymous said...

ben - LOL! haha. no worries indeed if the sasterawan himself says so. XD

oh cool. i used to really like supernatural. but the seasons keep dragging..then i lost interest. but i won't say no to it. :)

and about you being more malay than tiz z*akiah or however they spell her name, you earned another LOL.

thanks. for still calling me max. i kind of miss that name.

Luke Skywalker said...

Pasal bahasa pun nak kecoh. Nak cakap english cakap je la. Nak cakap bahasa melayu maka cakap saja lah.

Anonymous said...

luke - awak poyo le pegi tulis maka lak kat situ. saye lak yang malu bace. purba siot bahase awak ni. XD

Luke Skywalker said...

Purba kah? Kah kah kah, ni namanya bahasa melayu moden. Kononnya moden sampai merosakkan bahasa sendiri. Demikian ulasan anak muda ketika ini. Macam tu ke nak salahkan orang yang cakap english? ^_^

Anonymous said...

luke - awak, yang kutuk saye blogging english tu bukan guna bahase moden pun. die guna bahase najis, penuh carut je. saye sampai terfikir punyelah banyak perkataan dalam dunia ni, itu je yang die tau tulis.

tu belum lagi masok komen-komen gini:

apew ko uat tue? aq windu ko la weyh!

geli kot.

NadiahZ said...

Oh, I feel your pain. It happens to me to, in some casses. And the fact I'm born in KL, likes some food that you cant even bear to look at, reads seventeen magazine and english novels doesn't help either. Oh you know the best part? When the english exams are coming, they all starts kissin up my ass. Nice...

I speak english, but I still eat sambal belacan. I LOVE nasi lemak and teh tarik. I freakin watched the Malaysia vs. Indonesia match and was jumping like MAD when Malaysia won, despite being half-indonesian. And if that's not Malay-ish enough for you, you can just f@#$! yourself.


Anonymous said...

nadiah - oh shit man i can really feel yours. i was in school and i was freaking good in english. i've had enough kisses all over my ass in my school years. but i guess some people really are destined for greatness. like me. so here i am living a crazy wonderful life and there they are, not so crazy wonderful lives, IMO.

and some people really need to well f@#$! themselves. haha.

Luke Skywalker said...

"apew ko uat tue? aq windu ko la weyh!" Oh indahnya bahasa melayu ketika ini. Ini di namakan revolusi bahasa. Kah kah kah! So bloodyhell.

Anonymous said...

luke - ye memang tahap neraka berdarah bahasa yang digunakan itu. saya sungguh hangin satu badan membacenye. XD

Nana Othman said...

blogging guna english, melayu x sedar diri.

belajar sastera inggeris, masuk neraka.

depa ni adik beradik kot, kak nani? macam sama ja tahap keparahan otak depa?

Aisya S. said...

Nani, get ready for another panjang comment. Sorry eh, but I have to vent!

You know what I say to these people? "WHATEVER LA WOI"! They're probably just feeling a bit inadequate cuz you have something they don't: Intelligence. And also good English.

I get made fun of for speaking more English than BM, for majoring in English Literature. In fact, I was made fun of just yesterday, when I was criticising a Malay movie that was supposed to be a comedy, but I didn't find funny at all. I told the guy I only laughed
at one part, and he said, 'alah, sebab part tu je yg you faham.' I know it was supposed to be a joke anyway, but it gets old, and it's insulting.

Same guy always questions my Malayness. Another time, someone told me they had a girl friend who lived in England for 4 years but came back to Malaysia without an English accent. That guy I was talking about earlier jeling-jeling kat I and says, 'that's cuz that girl tak lupa daratan'. OMG tolonglah! I can't help it that I lived in Manchester for 8 years and developed an English accent I can't get rid of! Benci gila.

But apa yg paling takleh tahan is when my friends and I went to my old school where we did our STPM, and my BM teacher was talking about our STPM results. Only two people out of my whole batch got an A, and I was one of them. My BM teacher was like, 'Aisya dapat A! Tak sangka!' Mana aku tak offended?

But it's okay. I don't really care if orang nak cakap aku ni Melayu celup ke, lupa daratan ke, bukan Melayu ke... It doesn't matter to me. I identify myself as a Muslim more than anything else, so they can question my Malayness til they die for all I care. :P

anak pak man said...

Yes, they exist.. In a capacity very much away from extinction.. But haters will keep on hating, but we shouldn't degrade ourselves and become haters too teacher.. Then we fall into the trap they set and become hateful beings just like them, and that ain't pretty.. And you shouldn't jeopardize your ke"pretty"an on account of some fagf*ck somewhere..

Faisal Admar said...


Why all in sudden this kind of people keep bothering you, Nani?

Seriously, I hate them.

Just ignore them Nani. They are just losers.

Note: Blame themselves for not understand English, not others. Pointing finger is too cowardice!

Anonymous said...

nani, abaikan je la org2 yg slalu komen menjatuhkan org lain tu...kalu dh xsuka btpa nk msk blog ni tgk ari2...nk bg komen2 yg menyakitkan hati org lain...lantak la org tu nk cakap bahasa apa pn...sakit kat mana kalu nani tulis dlm bi???biaq p la...i ni pn tak pandai gak bi..ceewahhh,'i' tu...yala,sekolah dulu pn tak tinggi mana...paling tinggi pn takat tingkat 4 ja..boleh la takat nk ckp yes no orait tenkiu nk gak rasa pandai bi cam teacher nani...heheheh..nk marah i jugak ke???hmm,ada aku kesah??or...nk i cakap TAMIL ke??baru la 1M'sia...penat ja blajaq ngan gaya3 dulu nani kalu tak digunakan...hahahaha...sesungguhnya,bahasa pcakapan ssorg tu takkan mengubah asal usul org tu...mentaliti ssorg tu yg mbentuk jati diri...kalu mentaliti diri tu goyah,suka menunding jari menyalahkan org lain, tu yg betul2 boleh meranapkan,sama2 la kita muhasabah diri,rawat diri dan perkasakan peribadi...renung2kan dan slmt beramal!!!hahahaha

Mr. Gargus said...

I'm too lazy to catch up on the comments I've missed. But I agree. I hate arrogant people too. Too many Americans are extremely arrogant. No wonder a lot of people hate us.

iNsOmNiAc said...

hi, i came across this post while i blog-hop juz now.
yup, this kinda pesky, ignorant ppl still exist even in the millennium.
but haters will alwaiz be haters.
i can't help but to feel proud with way you stand up to those morons ;) you go, girl!
yea, saya pun Melayu yg makan belacan juga. walaupun saya suka menulis dlm Bahasa Inggeris tapi Bahasa Melayu saya pun sama gempak, okay ;) *high 5 sket*

Anonymous said...

adinda - ha! belajar sastera inggeris masuk neraka tu sorang lagi nak kena laser dgn aku. hampeh. ikut sedap sambai belacan basi tuk nek dia la nak cop org tu org ni masuk neraka. hang tu pi confirm dgn Tuhan dulu yang hang mmg akan masuk syurga, baru mai meracau kat kami. sembang kencang sapa pun boleh! aku lagi boleh!

ha. adik beradik la tu kot. parah tak boleh nak tolong dah ni. haha.

Anonymous said...

anak pak man - i meluat betul spesis ni. otak wasted je Tuhan bagi. i agree with you. i'm not hating. i's just disgusted. i won't jeopardize my prettiness (lol) because of some f*ckface. haha.

mr faisal - i pun taktau lah mr faisal, tapi i check kat blog tu tiba-tiba semua komen hilang pulak. tinggal komen-komen yang tak carut je. lawak pun ade jugak. ah well, let's just forget about it. there are other important things to think about. let them point wherever they want. it's not like anything's gonna change. haters are gonna hate anyway.

zaireena - tu la. agaknya depa ni banyak sangat masa, sehari ada 50 jam tu yang tak tau nak buat apa tu. setuju dengan zaireena, bahasa dan percakapan macam mana kita develop pun takkan mengubah asal-usul kita. dah lahirnya melayu, belajar kat mana, duduk kat mana pun melayu jugak. cara kita berfikir yang menentukan kita ni orang macam mana. kalau asyik nak blame orang lain saja, semua orang boleh buat. tapi kenapa tak semua orang macam tu? sebab ada manusia yang tau guna otak, ada yang tak reti, dan ada yang sengaja takmau guna. tengok diri kita dulu orang macam mana, baru sembang berapi. tapi jangan tengok saja, kena berubah jadi lebih baik sama. haha.

Anonymous said...

jacob - sometimes arrogant people can be really funny. and i don't think i hate americans. =)

insomniac - hello. thanks for dropping by. ^^ these haters happen to have a lot of time to spend, thus the madness and hate. *high 5 balik* haha. a toast to melayu makan belacan and speak good english everywhere!

Ayaq said...

I would say orang tu lupa daratan kalau balik dari luar negara dah tak reti cakap Melayu.

Having an accent best apa! Sedap didengar. Hahaha. Kecuali fake accent lah kan. Layak dilempang laju2 je camtu.

To Aisya, rilek je. Lain kali suruh kawan2 kamu pegi marah Anita Sarawak dulu. Her English is very American kan? Asal takde orang kecoh? Lalala.

Sonnet said...

kaklong terfikir, kenapa mak bapak anon keparat tu hantar dia pergi sekolah? buat habis duit je.

orang lain ramai lagi rosakkan bahasa melayu, yang dia kononnya nak mempertahankan bahasa melayu tapi salah tempat nk flame pakai lilin kat sini.

kepada anon keparat, silalah keluar dari alam ni. anda x layak pun berada kat alam ni

Anonymous said...

ayaq - tau takpe. best je ade accent. bukan sume org ade. sbb tu ramai org dengki. haha. fake accent mmg i panas betul dgr. don't fake it. if you don't have it then you speak je lah however you rasa comfy.

long - tu lah berlambak orang buat jahanam bahasa melayu, kite yang ajar english lak kene flame dgn lilin birthday cake die. loser nak mampus.

Anonymous said...

aisya - no worries. you nak vent bape panjang pun you vent-lah. i don't mind. XD seriously. i don't.

i don't think they're a bit inadequate. i think they feel REALLY inadequate. but i can't bring myself to care anymore, because i don't even know them. it'd be pointless to ask them what the problem was. i don't think they even have the answer.

kesian you. -.-" i'd be very offended, too if someone says something like that to me. it's not like you have any choice, kan? dah the whole movie memang tak kelakar in your opinion, what to do?

and accents shouldn't really be a problem. shouldn't be something to be questioned. one of my acquaintances spent 12 years in the States and still speaks terrible english (something that sounds even worse than direct translations) up to this very day. jangankan kata accent, his english alone pun dah cukup buat i sakit kepala.

it's not something that comes to everyone. some people, macam i, pick up accents from Tv and movies. and i assure you i am VERY good at imitating accents. we had several teachers from the States and UK last year in some of the MRSMs, and most of them thought i've spent a fair amount of years overseas myself because they said, 'Miss Nani, you sound like a true American!' haha. but i'm a little bit luckier than you..since orang taklah kata kat i lupa daratan ke apa. you tabahlah, aisya. kalau i, memang dah terkepek lah kawan you, tu.

ha. cerita STPM you tu i tak tahan. we all make mistakes. we all say things we shouldn't, sometimes. but to say 'tak sangka' to a good achievement of you student, itu memang tak patutlah. it shows that you might have lost hope in the student along the way, and that's not right. kita pendidik. ada benda yang kita tak perlu sebut kat pelajar.

and true. above all else, kita sepatutnya muslim dulu. in the eyes of the world, i don't really mind what i appear as. XD

Sonnet said...

flame dengan lilin birthday kek tu boleh dikatakan okay sket. ni pi flame dengan mancis yang dah kena air. kena cucuh dua tiga kali baru nyala...tu pun x dpt thn lama.

awat kita bincang pasal lilin ni???

Anonymous said...

long - tu maksudnye pathetic. api pun takde sibuk nak flame. berani kutuk tapi nama tak berani tunjuk. bak kate ciknur, 'confirm anu kene potong tu'. haha.

ok fine takyah bincang lilin. bincang benda lain plak.

Sonnet said...

pathetic tu lebih kurang je sama ngan plastic kan??

tahun ni kan kerajaan nak kurangkan penggunaan plastik. jadi org2 yang pathetic macam plastik kenalah kurangkan jugak.

x pun haram terus! habis cerita!

p/s: tajuk sekarang ialah plastik! haha!

cafiena said...

dear teacher,

because we love your writing so much, then come the hater.

so, with all the love in the world, there are worth ignoring.

besides, dorang takleh berbahasa Inggeris, oleh yang demikian, untuk mengelakkan rasa kekurangan dalam diri, dorang pun merendahkan orang-orang yang boleh berbahasa Inggeris dengan lawak antarabangsa agar kononnya duduk sama rendah, berdiri sama tinggi.

"dia tu cakap Inglish pandai, tapi *ayat kutuk orang di sini*"

haish,kamu yang mengaku Melayu, kamu tahu Melayu tu apa?

p/s: "muhammad al-fatih pun belajar bahasa asing untuk menakluk constantinople"

Anonymous said...

long - hah. tunggu menatang apa lagi? jom banteras makhluk-makhluk takde kegunaan ni semua. buat ketat komuniti je. bukan ade sumbangan hape pon.

haramkan? lu nak kuar fatwa ke long?

cafiena - thanks for liking my writing. although most of the times i'm just plain offensive.

haha. maybe it's true what you said. that people say bad things about others to make themselves feel good. that's a terribly cheap way to boost your self-esteem. it's sick.

p/s: teacher nani pun study english untuk menakluk jiwa pelajar sekolah. XD

Jiyuu said...

Meh. I don't even bother with people like that anymore.

Anonymous said...

jiyuu - i bother!!!! annoying gila!

Sonnet said...

leh jugak nak keluar fatwa.

tajuk dia: pengunaan plastik yang pathetic. sila nyah dari sini!

leh x?? haha!!

puaka wei!!

Anonymous said...

mak nyah plastik adalah diharamkan di mana-mana blog. mcm tu cute sket. haha.

bontemps said...

say dulu plg hebat BM dapat B3. cool x. . =_=

Anonymous said...

B3 ke A1 ke, takde kena-mengena dengan melayu atau tak.

cool je. XD

Bayang said...

if that person ever have the chance to take a peek into what our constitutional law says about the race we called malay, then that person might gonna take back what that person had already spilled.

my point is simple.

what you eat doesn't really define what you are.

blogging is about posting whatever comes to your mind and if it happens to be in english, so be it. that doesn't mean you have betrayed your own kind or whatsoever.

sarcasm is actually one of malay cultures la. kalau dia kata dia tak paham means dia kena pi bertapa lagi la. hahaha

duh. merlin cerita tahyul anglo saxon. kalau tengok cerita tahyul melayu takpa kot bagi dia sebab buleh mengagungkan bangsa? hahaha

baca harry potter? hahaha. this peep must be a twilight or ahadiat akasyah die hard fans.

well, that sums up everything

Anonymous said...

aamir - i doubt it though, shitheads like these never really admit to things they say or do, let alone take them back or apologize. you can say whatever you want, do whatever you want, but if you're nameless then everything you said or do really has no substance or validity.

i think these people are fans of all the SAKAs on TV3. that's why they're up against people who watch merlin.

and yeah. must be a bunch of twitards. XD haha.

cafiena said...

"sarcasm is actually one of malay cultures la. kalau dia kata dia tak paham means dia kena pi bertapa lagi la. "

precious lah. saya pinjam ya!

Anonymous said...

cafiena - ha jemputlah sampaikan pada yang berkenaan ye. haha.

una berry said...

I just encountered ur blog and I'm loving it
susah nak jumpa blogger Melayu tulis in English
I may be not as good as you but I'm learning :)
keep it up sis!

Nur Hanis Abdullah said...

Selagi masih ada makhluk makhluk macam ni, macam mana masyarakat melayu nak maju, as a whole?

kalut sangat pemikiran diorang ni.

and the reasons he/she/it gave about you not being a melayu is just a load of crap.

Anonymous said...

una berry - thanks for blogwalking and finding me and loving my blog. =) keep learning. im still learning too!

nur hanis abdullah - true. these people crap too much about being malay while they're being craps. kalut, kolot, nonsense. malas nak layan.

Farhan Azmi said...

HI..(^^)V i seriously love your blog(found it through anak pak man' to him).keep it up ya. I'm not really good in English, but I'll try to speak and write in hope to master it someday. it is normal when some people feels irritated to us and it is not possible by any means to please everyone.But hey, many people supporting you, that's for sure.n again,keep it up ya.

ctmunirah said...

Omaigod.. selepas membaca entry ni, I think its not too much for me to say.. I love you.. I do.. I love you..

Anonymous said...

farhan azmi - thanks mate, for liking it. =) and keep up your effort at english! we need more people like you around.

ctmunirah - aww..that's so sweet! =) thanks!

farhan azmi said...

wow,you really do reply the comments..^^

Anonymous said...

i said so, dint i?

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