February 26, 2011

Apa salah babi?

The first thing about my father is his being the luckiest man in the world because his eldest daughter is yours truly. And the second thing about my father is the fact that he used to smoke. Yeah I did write terrible things about smoking and smokers. And I was thinking about my father half the writing time.

I hate smokers. I do. I say insanely hideous things right to their faces. 'Pakcik, why on earth are you killing yourself? Do you hate God for creating you from earth because you wish to be made from fire? Is that why you're smoking?' Yeah I wish I could say that. But most of the times I just politely say, 'Pakcik, jangan merokok dah tau. Sakit pun dapat, duit pun habis, dosa pun banyak. Kesian famili pakcik. Nanti pakcik mati, siapa nak jaga anak-anak pakcik, kan? Kalau mati serentak satu famili, alhamdulillah, boleh jumpa balik dalam kubur. Tapi, kalau mati dulu, kena libas sorang-sorang. Tak ada teman nak melolong sama-sama.'

So yeah, hate me. These murderers are desperately begging to be spoken to like that, or worse.

Are you one? Don't tell me. I don't wanna hate you.

I can only express my humble gratitude to Allah SWT for saving my father's life. He's up and walking, thank you God. And he hasn't been smoking since he left the ward. For that too, Alhamdulillah sangat-sangat. And you guys, who had been so nice in your comments and wishes and prayers, God bless you.

So let's talk stupidity and double-standard, today. Alright?

I don't get smokers. No I don't. I don't get why they wanna kill themselves. I don't get why they're spending money on something that vanishes into thin air after crapping in their lungs. I don't get why they wanna kill their whole family and everyone else, slowly. The sadism. The insanity. No I don't get them. And I don't get the hypocrisy. THE DOUBLE-STANDARD, people. It just baffles me.

Which hypocrisy exactly am I talking about here?

This one.

Man A : This is London, dude. Don't waste time looking for HALAL logos. We have all the reasons in the world to eat bacon and pork!

Man B : Seriously, mate. You're sick. Babi tu haram, bawak mengucaplah, kawan. Jangan macam ni.

And Man B says that in utter sympathy for his sesat friend - Man A - as he breathes out several puffs of Dunhill.

I mean seriously, people. Babi is haram. Rokok pun haram. And both men are Muslims. But suddenly one can smoke and the other is OK with it, while the other wants to eat pork but the smoker suddenly speaks of haram?

Apa salah babi? Why the double-standard? Dua-dua benda pun haram kan? Jadi kenapa satu dibolehkan (tanpa sebab), satu lagi tak boleh? Babi ada buat dosa apa dengan engkau? Rokok ada bagi apa pada engkau?

Answer me if you want to.

But this is what I believe.

Alang-alang engkau dah suka sangat makan asap haram dan menjahanamkan hidup sendiri, baik engkau makan pork terus. Siap dimasak, boleh makan dengan roti buat sandwich, dan confirm mengenyangkan. Plus, tak ada nikotin masuk buat neraka dalam paru-paru dan jantung engkau. Gigi engkau pun tak bertukar warna serupa dicat dengan najis. Badan engkau pun tak berbau macam manusia malang yang rumahnya terbakar tetapi lupa nak telefon bomba. Dan muka engkau pun tak nampak macam makhluk ngeri yang hampir mati sebentar lagi.

Both are haram. But why choose to damage your body when you can do meat and be merry?

Smokers tak pandai guna otak. They're not good at making choices. At making decisions. And they still won't stop smoking even after realizing that.

A friend said this to me:
Nani, I rasa you terlalu extreme dalam berbahasa, dalam memberi pendapat. Manusia ada sebab sendiri untuk bertindak sebagaimana yang mereka rasa patut. Kalau semua benda mesti diukur dengan agama, kita takkan ada individualiti. Setiap manusia berbeza. Dan bukan semua benda perlu dilihat dari sudut agama. Sometimes, we have to look at it dari pandangan humanity dan acceptance. Kita semua manusia. Tak sempurna.

Dan aku rasa engkau gila, friend. Sorry. Aku memang rasa engkau gila.

Sebab setiap saat hidup kita ada timbangan dosa pahala. Tak ada waktu yang sesuai untuk kita melihat sesuatu perbuatan dengan berlandaskan perkara lain selain Islam. Kata engkau Islam is THE way of life, kan? So why do you go the other way when it comes to smoking? Tolong explain, boleh? Kalau engkau mampulah.

Take your time. I'll wait.

* * *

So hey there, people and wonderful readers!

How are you guys doing?

70 scribbleback (s):

nurfarah wahidah said...

some people just don't bother religion any longer if they found something that is up to their satisfaction and desire. and that's scary, really scary.

وان محمد ناءيف said...

haha,ni first time aku komen kt sini.so baca dulu note kat tmpt "leave ur comment".

i'm a guy,and i hate the smockers. a lot.
dahla kita yg tak hisap rokok ni yg kena hirup asap diorg,cis!esp. DUNHILL.WTH!
syukur sgt benda tu haram.

nani said...

kalau babi hanya boleh dijual di kedai non-halal and liquor is treated the same... why not cigarettes, tobacco, cigar and the likes? kenapa benda haram yg satu ni je senang2 boleh dapat? it's haram right? so i don't understand how the government (or whoever that is in charge) can say that it is haram yet still allow it to be sold freely.

kalau kita masuk kedai daging babi salai, as a muslim kita rasa segan kan? rasa mcm whoa, something's not right here. malu. and orang non-muslim pun pandang kita macam alien salah landing. even THEY know it's haram. MALU! so shouldn't it be the same when you buy a pack of cigarettes?

nani i can't understand it either. my father had the same thing happen to him. and he started smoking since he was maybe 16? and he is now 48. imagine the state of his lungs right now. he had an attack sometime last year and barely made it. one half of his lung would literally be dead if not for a single vein that technically should not even be there. even the doctors were baffled. so imagine betapa lucky my dad is?

.....yet he still hasn't stopped smoking.

i really don't get it.

p/s: i'm doing fine, thank you. and you?

Anwar said...

Yep, pretty much sums it up for me too, albeit in a very "colourful" manner.. hehe

My father's a smoker too, so I feel you there.. That has always stopped me from being too vocal about it..

To me, smoking a pack of fags is even worse than burning an RM10 note, because just burning that note won't put tar in your lungs.. I've done the math, and RM10 a day means RM300 a month, meaning RM3600 a year.. that's more than a whole month's salary spent on killing yourself and the people around you..

i so want to talk about this.. -_-"

hope you're doing fine teacher..

sopiah said...

i do hate smokers and i'm trying my best staying away from them. it saddens me that most of my guy friends (some girls) spend their money on cigarettes. it is both shameful and pathetic. ughhhh~

The Tea Drinker said...

piggies are clearly haram. smoking isn't as clear as that.

so when it's something in the vague, u cant quite put it at the same level as the piggy level.

its like photography. some say its ok, some say its not. but u cant quite use that as a nail to airtight a coffin just because u really have strong feelings about smokers.

they're killing people with their smoke. but then again so are we with our handphones. if we dont use handphones, no cancer inducing magnetothingabob would pollute some poor people living close enough to it's relay towers. or perhaps just placed close enough to some sleeping baby.

i dont smoke. n i dont like smokin. but i'm sure someone out there dont like me writing either. n someone could just pull something off my posts and do a 'babi haram, ko tulis boleh bawak ke benda haram soooo...'

point is: its ok to not like something but u gotta be careful who ur including as leverage cause it might just counterweight and slams its ugly head on u.

Qiez AR said...

my ayah,depan bini dan anak2 tak berani nak smoking. sbb nanti kami pakat psycho sampai dia pening. tapi bila kawan dia datang, dengan laju nya dia capai, bakar dan sedut secara berjemaah. kadang2 nak jer lempang kawan2 my ayah tu. dah tua2 pun tak sayang nyawa.

honey bedazzled said...

i hate smokers too, benci pergi makan luar sebab ada ramai orang hisap rokok bagi kita mati sama. benci

Anonymous said...

tea drinker, smoking too is clearly haram. it kills, it makes you waste money and it brings mudarat to others around you. and since there's already a statement by the majlis fatwa, i don't think it's vague anymore. unless some smokers wanna pretend they don't know. suicide is clearly haram. and smoking is practically suicide. just slowly.

p/s: i dont think nani is putting the two as the same level. at least i don't find and indicator in her post that say smoking is the same as piggie.

Anonymous said...

just for tea drinker, handphones mungkin keperluan utk sesetengah orang. mane boleh compare dengan rokok ler. ayah aku mati sebab smoking seminggu sebelum aku konvo. aku lagi tahu sesuai ke tak perbandingan kau tu. aku dah takde ayah.

nana-peter said...

i used to say this to my granddad,

' Nabi tak hisap rokok, tp knp Wan hisap jugak. kan Wan Ahli Sunnah wal jamaah.'

my tokwan sentap terus tkmo cakap dgn I. payah la nak tegur org tua. -_-'

nani said...

tea drinker you missed the whole point. nani's post is not about whether or not one is haram or not haram. it's about both babi and smoking being haram yet only one is treated as sin. so..... why the handphone argument? why are you arguing the fact that smoking is haram? do you not update yourself with the laws of islam?

your logic is quite invalid. getting cancer from mobile phones has NEVER been scientifically confirmed; only theoretically proven. however, cigarettes DEFINITELY cause cancer. therefore it isn't vague anymore. and as mentioned, the majlis fatwa has declared it as so. how much more clarity do you want than that?

(btw, i'm not naniscribbles nani. i'm just nani who reads naniscribbles.)

nani said...

oh, also, if i'm following your logic tea drinker, people use handphones because they NEED to. and smokers only do that because they want to. so it's not even a very good example for comparison in the first place.

kayah said...

Saya pun rasa kawan teacher tu gila.

It frustrates me seeing muslims nowadays. I wish every muslim could see how beautiful our religion is and really put it into practice. Even the word 'Islam' itself is not a noun. It's a verb. You're suppose to BE a muslim. Not call yourself one but become something else instead.

If Allah stated something to be haram. Then haram it is. Just don't do it AND don't stop people who remind others upon these things. It's not that much of a big deal. Sonang je. Why do we have to complicate things?

Dah haram, haramla. habis cite. kenape kite xleh buat sesuatu itu jika ianya haram?

Sebab, tgk diri kite pastu kite compare dgn Allah SWT. lepas dah compare, klu kite xnk jugak buat tu. Astaghfirullah, betapa sombongnya diri kita ini. Sama sahaja mcm perangai iblis laknatullah dulu.How can you compete with The One who created you?

So my muslim brothers and sisters, never stop to carry your responsibiity to perform da'wah. Because that's the only part we can play as so to help our muslim bros and sis to see what their missing out. Wallahu'alam. :)

Anonymous said...

aq x phm komen tdrinker. ade kne mngena ke dgn en3 ko, teacher?

The Tea Drinker said...

@anonymous1 if it is clearly haram, they wouldn't need to discuss about it and change it from offensive to recently unlawful. but my point is that smart people once considered it offensive and smart people once considered it unlawful later on. we're not as smart. and so we need to be doubly careful. i wouldn't say its suicidal either. kinda dangerous branding people like that. i'm an idiot. but a safe one. i dont smoke and neither do i say it's haram. (ok.. slightly cowardly ;) ).

@anonymous2 i'm sorry for ur loss. truly am. but that cant quite qualify as an arguement. my friend's a communications engineer and suddenly diagnosed with a phase/level/watchacall'em 3 cancer, but i dont say phones are haram. i just think there's a risk to it.

@naniThatIsNotNani kudos for having a name. lorenzo's oil took its time being scientifically proven to help ALD kids. and while they were trying to prove it, the oil helped parents saved kids from being trapped in their own mind and dying at an early age. so i do respect scientific studies but its not the final word for me.

i will stop it here. really i'm not worth arguing with and naniscribbles does have a rule against public display of imbecility. i think i'm waaaaaaay past her 'i will ignore u for 10 years' line. :D

Anonymous said...

tea drinker: smoking is clearly haram NOW. we're looking at the matter NOW. it's OK if you won't say it's suicidal. it wont matter. many more have done researches and proven that millions have died of smoking. also, because the fatwa council (smart people) has stated that it's haram plus the reasons, i don't think it would matter if half the country says it's not. undeniably, it is.

Anonymous said...

quote '@anonymous2 i'm sorry for ur loss. truly am. but that cant quite qualify as an arguement. my friend's a communications engineer and suddenly diagnosed with a phase/level/watchacall'em 3 cancer, but i dont say phones are haram. i just think there's a risk to it.'

kalau komen aku tak qualify jadi argument, komen ko lagilah dari awal tak layak jadi argument. guna handphone cuma ada risk cancer plus handphone tu necessity. so aku tak paham kenapa ko nak cakap 'but i dont say phones are haram'. dah mmg tak haram pun. lainlah kalau handphone tu pun dah dicop sbg haram, barulah comparison dgn smoking jadi valid. apara.

cafiena said...

front up: saya suka menulis, tapi sesetengah guru bahasa tidak senang dengan idea saya sehingga-lah saya diiktiraf sewajarnya, saya tahu saya tidak extreme berbahasa.

"Kalau semua benda mesti diukur dengan agama, kita takkan ada individualiti. "

dear who-ever you are, let put this concept as a whole, don't we, assuming this is the way of life.

so you nak have sex with somebody, you just do it, and there goes pembuangan bayi, STD, AIDS and so on. but who need agama to measure anything?

and then you need money, so why not just take other people money? there is nothing wrong with it.

and then you have other people money ie, office money, wang derma etc, why not use them, nobody know if we are going to lie about it, NO BODY know! and if they even figure it out, so what? like they can prove it!

so you are angry, and you feel furious and you beat some other people, "padan muka, you deserve them", and if you get more furious, kill them, they are so many lives on earth, who would miss a missing one person?

so no. we have agama to measure us, every single breath we take. we have individuality, every one of us is crazy over different thing, and life is a journey: to identify the good and bad, to fight the bad, and do the right thing. that's all.

dunia may seem tidak adil. but dunia + akhirat = adil

Anonymous said...

macam nilah, kalau kita dah tau yang something tu bwk mudharat kat kesihatan kita, lagi2 kita tau pulak yang it can lead to death, but we still do it, tu mmg salahlah. kita tau smoking bleh mati, then still smoke. practically, suicide la tu. kita tau potong vein kat wrist bleh mati, kita potong jugak, suicide la tu.

Anonymous said...

i agree. some people can be very scary. it's JUST tobacco and it kills you, why so stubborn about it?

وان محمد ناءيف,
haha. ni first time jugak saya nampak awak kat sini. thanks for dropping by. betul. tak pasal2 kita pun kena sakit because of them. wtf! XD

Benrauf said...

"...dan ia menghalalkan bagi mereka segala benda yang baik (at-Toyyibat), dan mengharamkan kepada mereka segala benda yang buruk (al-Khaba'ith)..."
(al'A'raf: 157)

Rokok. Adakah ia satu benda yang banyak kebaikan atau lebih banyak keburukan?

nani said...

i SERIOUSLY do not understand your logic. haha.

"so i do respect scientific studies but its not the final word for me."

so why bring up the point in the first place?

scientific studies say radioactive waves from mobile phones can, over time, activate cancerous cells in our brain. so..... if it's not the final word for you, wouldn't it mean that you don't trust this theory? so if you do not trust this theory, why use it as a point in an argument? lol.

very funny, you.

Nana Othman said...

1. dahsyatnya nota kat atas ni, under 'leave your comment' XD.

2. ni gapo la banyak sangat anonymous ni? siap nombor2 lagi ni?

3. mmg kesian la babi. dia dan rokok dah terang2 memang sama-sama haram [sapa2 yg rasa rokok tu tak haram sangat compare dengan babi, ikut kamu lah], tp orang cuma avoid dia saja. masih habiskan ribuan RM utk rokok.

dianaktirikan la babi zaman skarang ni.

konklusi: jauhi yang haram. senang saja.

Cik Oren said...

my father also smokes..
that so disturbing whenever I am studying coz the smokes make me coughing and hard to breathe..
my relationship with my father is not as close as to my mother,coz this CIGARR,as I really, and truly hates smokers..
tapi,,abah saye pon tak kan terima kalau saye ckp benda buruk pasal rokok..alih2,,saye pula yg kene marah..
haha..entahlah,,padahal da terang2 bende tu x elok,,bukan pd dia je,,tp satu famili..
dan abah saya,,masih lg merokok..
tp,,bukan senang nak berhenti,,
sebab dah lebih 20 tahun abah saye merokok..hmm

President (wiir2000) said...

Meriah sungguh komen2 kat sini.
Nk tergelak pun ada.
Pasal telefon pun jadi juga. Hehe~

Anyway, sy pernah tya member yg merokok, "kalau harga rokok tetiba naik RM100 sebatang, sanggup beli x?"

Dia ckp dia sanggup.

Serius, sy memang x faham knp dia sanggup.

Benrauf said...

"...dan ia menghalalkan bagi mereka segala benda yang baik (at-Toyyibat), dan mengharamkan kepada mereka segala benda yang buruk (al-Khaba'ith)..."
(al'A'raf: 157)

Rokok. Adakah ia satu benda yang banyak kebaikan atau lebih banyak keburukan?

fizzahyahiya said...

Ciri-ciri lelaki idaman:

1. TIDAK merokok (serius saya dan asap rokok tak boleh bersatu.. tak suka sangat bau rokok melekat di baju, tak suka hidu asap rokok.. lebih rela terhidu bau najis lembu.. opsss.. terlebih sudah ^^).

But sadly, 2 orang adik sendiri telah mula merokok bila usia menginjak usia 20-an. Walau pun bukan heavy smoker, still hati rasa terhiris kerana abah sendiri tidak merokok, jadi itu bukan pengaruh didikan keluaraga... nak dinasihatkan entah bagaimana sebab masing2 dah besar dan dah faham keburukan rokok tu. I wish they can read ur entry and learn something, "in a hard way". hehe :)

Aisya S. said...

There's no such thing as looking at things 'dari pandangan humanity dan acceptance' instead of looking at things from an Islamic point of view, because the Islamic point of view encompasses EVERYTHING, hello.

It's like they're implying that Islam is inhumane and unaccepting. That's not Islam, that's Mislam.
These ignoratis really need to read more. Islam IS accepting and humane, that's why smoking is haraam. It's haraam for a good reason. There is absolutely NO good reason for anyone to smoke, as it harms everyone anywhere near a cigarette.

I'm going to try and answer The Tea Drinker's questions now. Fatwas are updated all the time. Sure, cigarettes weren't haraam once upon a time when scientific studies were unable to prove that they did more harm than good. But as science and technology have developed and cigarette smoking has been proven to harm both the smoker AND those around him/her, it is now haraam in a lot of Muslim states.

Refer to the translations of some ayats from the Quran kindly provided by Benrauf:

"...dan ia menghalalkan bagi mereka segala benda yang baik (at-Toyyibat), dan mengharamkan kepada mereka segala benda yang buruk (al-Khaba'ith)..."
(al'A'raf: 157)".

Allah has made any substances that harm us unlawful. It's just up to our government to decide if they want to ban it to Muslims in this country (and I doubt they will, because of money, of course. Which is stupid. Geez, if non-Muslim countries like England can ban smoking in public, why can't we?).

If you're gonna say science is not the final word for you, fine. It's not for a lot of things. But the fact that smoking kills is universally acknowledged by doctors and sane people for quite a long time, now, and I really don't think that'll change. Unless they insert some sort of cure for cancer in cigarettes to cancel out its cancer-causing effects. Fat chance.

cafiena said...


i have heard an interesting point of view on haram few days ago..

"lelaki bukan muhrim dan babi sama-sama HARAM dipegang, satu kena samak lepas pegang, satu tak, tapi dua-dua TETAP HARAM."

and yet people still do it.

i think, people who have not eat babi but smoke, think smoking is pleasing, like pegang bukan muhrim is also pleasing, so they try tp make smoking less HARAM than babi.

in short, they are trying to make excuse because they can't stop themselves or they just don't really grasp the concept of haram.

i am not sure about how the fatwa of haram is made, but i believe they don't do it sesuka hati. for instance when yoga is announced haram, people says a lot of bad things about yoga, and yet the one that is haram is doing yoga with mantra.

p/s: kesian babi.

Iblis said...

HARAM - Perkara yang bila dilakukan akan memperoleh dosa (kemudaratan, keburukan), dan bila ditinggalkan akan memperoleh pahala (kebaikan, faedah).

MAKRUH - Perkara yang bila dilakukan tidak akan memperoleh apa-apa, dan bila ditinggalkan akan memperoleh pahala (kebaikan. faedah).

Hukum dan fatwa dibuat oleh agamawan. Tetapi kalau agamawan seperti ustaz-ustaz, pak lebai, tok imam, pak bilal, atau ulamak sendiri pun lepas Isyak pergi lepak warung kopi sambil menghisap rokok, biarlah haram macam mana pun jelasnya (lebih banyak keburukan daripada kebaikan), mereka tetap akan pusing-pusing putar belit kasi makruh..

MR. SYAH said...

dorang tahu rokok tu bahaya tapi dorang tak mencuba nak berhenti..

mmg betul kata nani.. setiap perkara mesti mengikut jalan islam.. the right way..

* gadish * said...

salamalaik :)

ure just awesome .
good advice ,
good critic ,
good opinion .

lets save our muslim (esp)
just islam is the way of life !

long live nani <3

Ayaq said...

Salah babi: mencuri telur burung.

Panjang gila komen2 tak larat nak baca. Kesimpulannya I don't like asap rokok. Busuk kot.

And I'm fine thank you, kak nani. XD

LeNz said...

Wow, so many 'holier than thou' people commenting here.Is this a blog for pure non-sinners only ahaks.

cafiena said...

akhirnya seorang perokok bersuara?

*nak jugak buat ala-ala fishy dan bertanya*

Anonymous said...

LOL! cafiena, kamu notty. haha.

LeNz said...

hahah yes, I am a smoker and I'm not here to defend my habit because there's nothing to defend. People talk about haram and not haram here quite loosely which I personally find hilarious. I'm just wondering how many of the ladies here own a pair of jeans that show your shapely (or not so shapely) derrière? How many of the bloggers here have held hands with their bf/gf and tenderly run their fingers through their lover's hair and maybe sneaked a quick peck on the cheek? I could go on but I'd rather not. The point is there are a lot of haram things we've all done and still do but there's no need for us to get on the moral high horse and condemn others for their flaws. My advice to smoker haters here, if someone is smoking next to you either ask them politely to put it out or you can move away. You have the choice to do either so do it. The world is not that small that we can't coexist with each other.cheers!

Anonymous said...

nani - eh you tau tak, benrauf kata you twin i. haha. anyway. i agree. rokok patut jual kat tmpat khas siap ade terpampang notis haram kt situ. i takmau sape2 lagi dah rasa sedih macam masa ayah i masuk hospital tu.

regarding your dad, masa mine masuk ward hari tu..ada doktor ckp..around 75% org yg kena heart attack died on the first attack. lagi 25% je survive to tell the tale and stop smoking. tell your dad that, tell him how lucky he is and how you dont wanna lose him to cigarettes. better yet..tell him cancer cures smoking. i told my dad that.

alhamdulillah sejak balik rumah ni..dah tak pegang rokok. my prayer biarlah dia stop terus.

p/s: i'm doing great. just crazy busy.

Anonymous said...

anwar - anwar mana ni? anak pak man ke ni? whoever pun, hello. =) well about being vocal..i'll say i'm not vocal about it for nothing. when you've seen a friend's dad die because of the habit, you cannot not care and be senyap about it anymore. it's my dad. and he's the only one i have. so go tell your dad you care. tell him you're worried and you're not worried for nothing. i dont know what else can we do to reach to their hearts..it's not all about their hurting us..it's so much more about their hurting themselves. and since these people happen to be the people we care about, we need to tell them. =,( jeez i teringat ayah i lagi.

yong sofea - baguslah tu. stay away from them senang. tapi kalau tak boleh, just tell them to go away. you don't have to be polite since they're killing you in public, and that's beyond rude. =)

Anonymous said...

tea drinker - thanks for the long comment. but since many people have already replied to yours and they said practically the same things i wanted to..so i'll just keep my reply short. you have your views. i have mine. it's just that i can't really understand how people judge photography has any relevance to how people see smoking. photography is not wrong. smoking is. so it's like..macam tak kena. but maybe i'm just not working on the same plane as yours. tu je kot. anyway thanks for sharing your view. =)

larasephia - kalau psycho tu tak berkesan, pujuk je lah. bgtau dia kamu semua sayang dia, taknak dia buang duit, rosakkan kesihatan sendiri, nanti kamu semua sedih. maybe he'd listen. about the friends..tu susah sikit. tp in my dad's case, i just told them on the spot to stop. because i'm allergic to cigarette smoke.

honey - haha. benci jugak. tu pasal masak kat rumah. XD

Anonymous said...

i taktau nak kesian kat sape ni. XD haha. kat kamu pun i kesian. kat your grandad pun i kesian (sbb tersentap kena tegur dgn cucu tersayang.).

i like your comment lah. jom kawan-kawan semua, kita ajak semua orang buat baik, berhenti buat benda2 yang Allah tak suka. tak payah tunggu kita jadi sempurna baru nak tegur orang. sambil kita ajak orang jadi baik, kita baiki diri kita jugak. =)

next time get a name la. ish. ade la kot kena-mengena. nani je yang tak nampak. kot.

tea drinker,
was that sarcasm? 'kudos for having a name'.

Anonymous said...

politely ask them to stop when they're not at all polite as they pollute the air pinjaman tuhan dgn asap yang masuk paru-paru jijik derang tu siap keluar balik eei, geli! jijik! dahlah kurang ajar dgn tuhan, kurang ajar dgn kite, tetiba kite kena polite dgn derang? wtf. air minum yg org luahkan terkena baju pun aku dah rase nak sental, ape lagi la asap rokok. uwek!

Anonymous said...

Jeans nampak bontot = takde.

Pegang tangan bopren = tak pernah.

Pegang rambut bopren = tak pernah.

Cium (yekk) pipi bopren = tak pernah.

Dan aq x ase salah pun kte luahkan ase xpuas aty kat smokers. Dah kte xpuas aty, kte ckpla xpuas aty. Klo ade org ase no need, tu bkn prblm kte.

kayah said...

Oh correction.

So my muslim brothers and sisters, never stop to carry your responsibiity to perform da'wah. Because that's the only part we can play as so to help our muslim bros and sis to see what their missing out *AND AS A WAY FOR US TO IMPROVE OURSELVES TOO* Wallahu'alam. :)

Heee :D

Nurul said...

x sempat nak baca semua komen di atas...tapi kenapa nak pertikai lagi pasal rokok ni haram or tak...bukan ke dah lama keluar fatwa rokok haram dari Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan dan negeri2 lain...kalo yg masih ada yang pertikai hukum rokok ni, siapa kau?... aku pernah pergi ceramah Ustaz Ravi (muaalaf)...dia sendiri cakap rokok haram, then audience lelaki semua terdiam..hahaha...terkejut?

kayah said...

Just another thing to share. My brother is a smoker. He had been a smoker since he was eleven. He's turning 24 tomorrow. Still is a smoker.

My family went on a guilt trip watching him. Because there's not much we can do about it. He's sorta like the black sheep of the family and there's like a wall between us and him.

He was bullied real bad as a child. He was such a good boy. At night he would cry and my mom would ask him why, he said he's afraid if he and my parents would end up in hell, he was afraid of death and him not being prepared for it. When we came back from England, he was 10. He wore songkok all the time, tucked in his shirt with his trou up to his waist, spoke English with yorkshiren accent most of the time (the other kids don't understand what he's saying) and BM die pelat. He was a complete package to make fun of.

Trying to prove that he's not such a nerd, he mingled with the bad boys.They were older than him and they made him start to smoke. He was a child, who was bullied. He didn't know any better. And my mother didn't know about this. Because he knew if my mother knew, she would be really upset. He went on being a rebellious kid until he was in form 5. I'm saving the other things that he'd done to myself.

Alhamdulillah, now he's a lot better but he has not quit smoking yet. It's hard for smokers to quit smoking. Because they're addicted to it. They're biologically attached to it. To quit, they need to defeat biology with psychology. And that's no easy task to do. Tapi ni kes dah merokok sebelum klua fatwa lah.. klu yg dah haram pastu tbe2 nak cube tu mmg carik pasal la.

So, we can't condemn them too much. We CAN condemn smoking but NOT the smokers. After all, that's what our prophet reminded us to do so right? Jangan benci org yg buat kejahatan tu, tp bencilah perbuatan die. I'm sure you guys have came across that hadith in your lifetime.

Because some of them are victims of circumstance. Like my bro. And I know there's some people reading this thingking this is a result if bad parenting. No, it wasn't. My mum did everything a muslim woman should do to her children. She never gave up on my brother and she has a lot other things to deal with as well. So yeah, sometimes things turn out like that and we can't blame anyone.

Therefore, kita kenelah saling bantu-membantu antara satu sama lain. how? Like Teacher Nani said. Let's not be 'okay' with smoking. Treat it just the same like we treat Mr. piggy. And hopefully, we can infiltrate the minds of smokers to think of their act are equal to eating pork. And of course,


Dengan hikmah. :)

Because only dengan berhikmah will they only start to listen InsyaAllah :)

nani said...

i don't wear tight jeans. i wear mine 2 sizes bigger, thank you very much. i'm fat so i don't have a boyfriend, therefore i don't hold anyone's hands, nor do i kiss anyone's cheeks. i'm not planning on getting a boyfriend either and even if i do stumble upon one in the future, i wouldn't even think of doing it. yeah yeah, you can say, "cakap senang, tgk nnt betul2 ada boyfriend betul ke xmo pegang or cium dorg." well, lets just say i know myself well and when i say something i keep to it.

anyway, i don't see how you can judge every single person here to be holier than thou and act as if you know every single one of us to be loose girls who go around leaning and clinging to boys. pfft.

what's wrong with having an opinion anyways? one does not have to be a pure non-sinner to hate the act of smoking. it kills, it's annoying and it stinks. simple as that. the fact that it's haram only further justifies why we hate smoking. lol. i think you're the one being holier than thou, coming here and judging everyone like you know it all. i mean, honestly, if you have nothing to defend about your suicidal haram habit, then why leave a comment in the first place? butthurt? or what we say hit a nerve somewhere?

hating the act of smoking suddenly makes one holier than thou? even when we have perfectly valid reasons to hate it? funny.

Anonymous said...


nani, try read this..

nani said...

nani: OMG! twins? haha! i dunno... we haven't even met outside of the virtual world. kekeke^^ but i'll take it as a compliment! i mean, someone compares me to the awesome naniscribbles! w00t~

and yeah... the whole family constantly reminds him to stop smoking. he's slowly moving away from that habit. i hope he gets over it completely sometime soon.

kayah said...

To all, When we OFFEND people it's pretty sensible of them to DEFEND themselves.Because that's what us humans do. Even if we know we're wrong. And then, those people, defending themselves in return will offend those who offended them in the first place. Unless we choose to surpass our ego, this offending and defending will go on for eternity.

Don't fight fire with fire :) It'll only make the fire a whole lot bigger and eventually swallow us all. Fight it with water instead. Be the water.

I'm reading these comments and this reminds me of something.. same je mcm arguments budak free hair dgn budak pakai tudung yg kat page fb mane tah arguing who's better than who. satu kate 'ala pakai tudung pun seksi, pegang2 boyfriend, buat ape?' satu lagi kate 'at least aku pakai tudung'. HAIYA

That is Allah's job, people. Only he knows whose the best of us all. Boleh jadi orang yang kite kutuk dan benci tu sebnanye jauh lebih baik dari kita.We have no idea whatsoever what will happen to us in the future. Kita rasa kita dah selamat, tapi entah2 Allah tak terima pun amalan-amalan kita. Na'udzubillah. remember the story of the pelacur who entered heaven just because she fed a dog sincerely. Don't look down on people and think we are better than them. Coz we never know. Dari sebab kebencian kita terhadap mereka mungkin akan membuatkan Allah benci pada kita.

Dari Abu Hurairah r.a, katanya : " Telah bersabda Rasulullah SAW : ' Janganlah kamu berdengki-dengkian, dan jangan kamu tipu-menipu, dan jangan benci-membenci, dan jangan musuh memusuhi, dan jangan kamu berjual beli atas jual beli setengah yang lain, dan jadilah kamu sekelian sebagai hamba-hamba Allah yang bersaudara. Seorang Muslim adalah bersaudara sesama Muslim, tidak boleh menganiayanya, tidak boleh membiarkannya tertindas, tidak boleh mendustainya dan tidak boleh menghinainya. Taqwa itu berpunca dari sini - sambil Nabi SAW menunjukkan ke dadanya tiga kali. Sudah memadailah kejahatan seorang itu jika ia menghina saudaranya yang Islam. Seorang Muslim ke atas seorang Muslim yang lain diharamkan darahnya, harta bendanya dan kehormatannya'

So, kalau ditegur, bersyukurlah.. Itu Allah nak ingatkan kita. Kalau dimarah, diherdik, dituduh bukan-bukan balasla dengan baik. Don't provoke the anger. It'll only make things worst. Please, stop arguing. I don't like it :( We're all brothers and sisters, rember?

And dah melencong ke mana dah ni, from my understanding this post from teacher nani just tells us to not be double-standard. This entry is not only for smokers, but to ALL of us kan teacher?

kayah said...

We're ALL sinners okay? none of us are saints. (there is no such word as non-sinner btw)So we work togede-gede la to become a better ummah :D

(at some point I lost hope and believe that muslims can never be the way we used to be. and I think other muslims think the same way too. But there's still a teeny tiny little voice inside of me saying, we change this. We can. I pray that we will :) )

Anonymous said...

LIKES. kalau tak measure dengan agama, nak measure dengan apa? nama pun kita islam, pilih gaya hidup islam, kenapa mesti ada sesetengah tindakan kita diukur dengan benda lain? dunia may seem tak adil, but dunia plus akhirat confirm dah adil. =) good one, mate.

thanks for the sharing. =) clearly banyak keburukan smoking ini. tapi ramai lagi yang buat-buat tak perasan. ego kot.

anak tiri siapakah babi itu? takutnya saya! haha. ya. memang itu saja jalannya, dah haram tu avoid sudah. tak payah nak banyak bunyi. annoying.

aleen meow,
i am allergic to cigarette smoke too. nanti demam, selesema, batuk semua kena. my father pun lama dah smoking, tapi sebab kena heart attack hari tu mungkin dah betul-betul sedarkan dia yang takda gunanya menghabiskan duit untuk benda yang merosakkan. i hope your dad stops. =) pujuklah dia. lama-lama nanti dia mesti lembut hati.

Anonymous said...

ha. tu la warna-warni blogging. hehe. macam-macam komen ada ni. wuih. rm100 pun dia sanggup. memang pembunuh diri yang nekad ni.

wah. siap ada perkongsian ciri-ciri lelaki idaman ni. tapi najis lembu pun nani taknak jugak. haha. anyway, about your siblings..mungkin kena ajak pelan-pelan. lepas tu laser-laser sikit. XD haha. and then kalau you wanna show them my entry pun showlah. haha.

LIKES 'Islam is accepting and humane'. totally. many people are missing this on purpose it drives me crazy! ada sorang my friend kata 'i smoke sebab nak maintain berat badan. you takpalah nani, you tak kisah. i kisah. you tgk org2 yang cepat gila kurus tu, i berani jamin diorang smoking.' oh. i thought my brain exploded when i heard that. like..nak kurus tu sebab nak healthy kan? why do it dengan rokok? i tak faham!

p/s: thanks for the answers for tea drinker's questions.

yeah i think it's all excuses sebab tak cukup willpower nak stop. like seriously. if they know how people see them (pembuang duit, pembunuh, pencemar udara, pembusuk suasana etc) they might stop. but then again, ego kot. so they might not.

Anonymous said...

that's a good angle to look at it. and i even know some smoking ustazs personally. DX thanks for sharing your view. =)

mr syah,
so bijak ke tidak orang yang tahu benda tu salah, tapi masih buat jugak? =)


salam balik. thanks for saying im awesome. im not. im just a blogging teacher. hehe. and i did not criticize anyone. and thanks for the long live prayer. you too. =)

telur burung kamu ke dia curi? haha. same here. tak suka busuk.

Anonymous said...

betul tu. kita ajak orang buat baik supaya kita pun sama beringat mana salah mana betul. kita ni manusia, selalu terlupa. dengan mengajak ni kita remind diri sendiri juga. tapi some people ada mindset pelik, kalau kita tak perfect, tak payah tegur orang. sedangkan memang tak ada manusia perfect pun. jadinya takkanlah sape pun tak payah tegur bila dah nampak benda salah?

bukan terkejut kot. ego meletup kot. dah selama ni duk perasan bagus, ingat smoking tu ape entah macho (sape ajar ko smoking tu macho, gila), tiba-tiba kena tegur dengan orang yang baru islam (tak macam kau, lahir islam)..mana tak berasap. huhu.

thanks for sharing. i think i feel you. setuju dengan kamu, sometimes benda ni bukan sendiri nak pandai-pandai. circumstances sekeliling pun mungkin jadi penyebab. and kamu betul, kita benci pada perbuatan tu..bukan pada orang yang buat. so i guess i was too angry when the post was written. jadi lepas ni mari banyak-banyak belajar bersabar dan saling tolong kawan-kawan seagama. boleh kita masuk syurga sama-sama juga nanti. =)

Anonymous said...

i rasa betul la you twin i. XD benda yang you tulis sebijik macam i fikir. haha. sebenarnya i pun tak faham jugak orang yang datang blog i lepas tu judge commenter2 i as holier than thou..sedangkan dia tak kenal you guys. tapi mungkin jugak people like this, yang buat benda haram freely and expect us to tolerate them by being polite, rasa yang because they do haram things then everyone else pun sama dengan mereka. i mean seriously la kan, i don't wear tight jeans - in fact i don't have even a single pair. i don't have a boyfriend, because i don't know why i should. and so i don't hold hands with guys yang tak halal untuk i. tersentuh tu adalah, itu pun i apologize. kiss someone on the cheek? lagilah tak pernah. i won't say i am baik gila, tapi i do my very best untuk elak benda-benda tak elok ni. sebab i sayang diri i. i sedar harga diri i.

i also don't know what's wrong with having opinions. dah i tak suka rokok, tak suka smoker, i tak suka la. apa masalahnya? tiba-tiba masuk isu non-sinners (padahal mana ada manusia macam tu dalam dunia ni), entah mana datangnya. non-sinners saja ke yang boleh benci rokok? like you said, it kills, it's annoying and it stinks. humanly memang we don't like it la.

i think we did hit a nerve or two, kot. kat some chosen people's butts ada nerve, then the said nerve got hit, so ada lah yang tiba-tiba butthurt. i rasa la.

thanks for the amusing comment. XD tapi you're always amusing pun. haha.

anon (mate, get a name la),
dah baca. =) thanks.

Anonymous said...

ha tau takpe. tergelak i. woot! haha. yeah i hope your dad stops soon. =) he has my prayers.

that's a long one, mate. thanks so much. it's a very good reminder for everyone. =) yeah. we should stop arguing (i tak argue pun.), and be friends. and since none of us is a saint, memang tanggungjawab kita ramai-ramai jaga agama, jaga iman. dah kawan salah, tegurlah sebab sayang dia, sebab sayang agama kita. memang kita boleh pun, kayah. kita cuma jangan give up saja. =)

cafiena said...

i am going to be super frank here.

i have awaited for a long time somebody come and say something from the other side, and say anonymously why they smoke, i really do.

because from the deep bottom of my heart, who have seen people die of cancer, i want to know and we will make a way to not smoke anymore.

lenz, thank you for saying something. and i am sorry i can't be more polite than this because when i am angry, i didn't turn polite, either i turn sarcastic or plain angry. and i have to point out that you first comment are not polite.

everyone, while we are in this topic, i like to share an article that i love to use a reminder, it is something that hit the, "cik fiena, sila sedar diri" button right away.

it says about the excuse we usually do, like

walaupun saya minum arak, tapi saya tak pernah tinggal smayang


ala baru minum arak, belum makan babi lagi


bukan saya minum arak sorang-sorang, ramai lagi yang minum jugak


boss saya yang dah naik haji pun minum sekali!


Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing. the article is a great read. i like the way the writer thinks. =) because many parts of the article reminds me of myself, too. which is good. do you have more? hehe.

Ayaq said...

Haha I was referring to the ubiquitous Angry Birds game. XD

Anonymous said...

OMG LOL! haha. XD

Sonnet said...

kesian kat babi. dia memang tak bersalah. yang salah kalau kita sengaja pegang atau makan. kalau babi ni bersalah, Allah tak cipta dah dia. tol tak?

rokok ni manusia yang cipta. bila ianya ciptaan dari manusia ni adalah keburukannya. rokok memang tak ada kebaikan langsung. cucuh pastu sedut pastu hembus. kenyang pun tak? ke nak fogging paru2 sebab ada byk bakteria? BODOH!!

my brothers are smokers too and i hate them if they bragging about isap rokok is being cool.

Unknown said...

i'm with u. i hate smokers as well. they're murders by killing ppl around 'em with the smoke.
buat org sakit hati & sakit dada je terkena asap. x psl2 baju pun lekat bau asap. spoil betul.

cafiena said...

oh oh i like to weigh in here.

once upon a time, my mom cut and framed a newspaper article entitled,"asap rokok: punca utama pencemaran udara di rumah" and put it in our living room.

i think that is an alternative of no smoking signboard.

teacher nani: i think i do have some more, since i am forgetful, i will share more when i recall where it is.

Eterna said...

Smoking is filthy. Smokers throw away the wrapper, the box and the butts just almost anywhere. And, they pollute the air.

Anonymous said...

haha. kesian die ye? dahlah warna pink. dianaktirikan lak tu. ish ish. hehe.

ok lawak gila. cucuh pastu sedut pastu hembus, dahlah tak kenyang, die sebarkan pulak asap yang dikitar semula dlm paru2 die yang penuh *&^%# tu. die ingat baguslah tu buat fogging buang bakteria. bakteria pun tak hengen duk dalam paru2 die. yekk.

kak long nasihatkanlah adik2 kak long tu. nanti diorg sakit sape susah? nanti org lain sakit sbb diorg, lagi susah.

i pun benci bila baju i bau asap wpun i tak smoking. pft. mandi wangi2, pakai cantik2, bau asap. cis.

hahahaha, punca utama pencemaran udara di rumah! pedih gila sape terkena!! haha. that is so COOL!

and yeah, do share!

LIKEs your comment!

Anonymous said...

"Nani, I rasa you terlalu extreme dalam berbahasa, dalam memberi pendapat. Manusia ada sebab sendiri untuk bertindak sebagaimana yang mereka rasa patut. Kalau semua benda mesti diukur dengan agama, kita takkan ada individualiti. Setiap manusia berbeza. Dan bukan semua benda perlu dilihat dari sudut agama. Sometimes, we have to look at it dari pandangan humanity dan acceptance. Kita semua manusia. Tak sempurna."

no comment utk part lain. tp part ni, mmg sy setuju dgn kak nani. Your friend is insane.

Islam kan addin - the way of life. mana boleh satu part ni, kita tgk dr sudut agama dan yg lain plk tgk dr sudut selain agama? betul la manusia xsempurna, tp mane boleh dijadikan alasan utk menghalalkan semua benda.

sungguh x phm manusia zmn skrg. *geleng kepala*

Anonymous said...

oh, lupa letak nama.
biasanya sy follow blog ni tanpa tinggalkan kesan, entah kenapa hari ni rase mcm nak komen.


Anonymous said...

hi. kak nani pun tak faham jugak. some people can be so..i dont know. haha. incomprehensible kot. anyway, do come again!

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